Chapter 1: The Boy in The Lodge

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"Hey Mark, come down for breakfast," My mother yells from the downstairs dining room, "Ok mom," I yell back, as I get up, and will changing I look in a mirror at myself, I grab and put on a pendent bracelet my father had given me to hide my Elvish wings protruding from my back. I have had them ever since I was born, they had come from my father who isn't really a human, he is an Elf from the land of Amithor. He uses an illusion that hides all his Elvish traits and makes him look like a human.

I run downstairs to the dining table to see my father sitting at the table with items all laid out across it. "Oh, dad, what are you doing here, I thought you had gone into town already," I say,

"Oh, well I had to grab some things before I left for town. I need to know what we had and what we don't have for the activities during the winter festivities." He says as he studies the things he laid out.

"Oh, can I help with the activities, and go can I go into town with you?" I ask him eagerly,

"No, I have to keep the activities a surprise for everyone," he says with a chuckle.

"Come on dad, I can help you and still have fun," I say with a pleading motion,

"How can you help while having fun?" He asks,

"I was thinking of using some magic to..."

"NO..." father cuts me off, "You are not to use magic especially in front of people. the reason is because Dark Mages would do anything to get to you for their experiments" father says angrily,

"You can help me here with the cleaning and prepping of the food," Mother tries to cheer me up,

"Ok, I guess I can help with that." I almost cry,

"Hey, tell you what, I will let you use magic if you promise to stay in your mothers' line of sight." Father says trying to make me feel better.

"Now Mark hurry and eat your breakfast so you can go take care of the animals" Mother told me pointing to the food she had set out.

"Ok," I say slumping into my chair angrily.

Father sighs, "Hey, maybe later today after I get back from town and the Guild, we can do some magic practice... and maybe tomorrow I will take you to the mages Guild and show you what we have there." He says quietly so my mother wouldn't hear.

"OK" I whisper perking up,

I finish eating and saw father off as he went to town to get the necessary materials needed for the events that would happen at the winter festivities. As I went to the back of the house to do the animals, I walk to the river that was going alongside our house to get some water for them when I suddenly drop the pale into the river, I quickly try to grab ahold of it, but my arms were too short, and the river pushes it out of reach. I watch as it flows down the river and ran after it.

It eventually got stuck on a log that was laying halfway in the water. I climb onto the log to get the pale when a branch I grab snaps and sends me falling into the water. I quickly try to get up and out of the water, but the flow of the river kept me in the middle. I drift down the river aways and eventually saw that there was a waterfall coming up. I try as hard as I can to get out of the river, but to no avail.

As I drift closer and closer to the waterfall, I remember a spell in my father's book of spells that would allow me to manipulate water. I try to focus on the water slowing down and stopping but when I try to speak the incantation for the spell water splashes in my face and was sent down my throat. Now gasping for air, I saw the beginning of the waterfall approaching, I panic and try to wave my hands to manipulate the water, but it had no effect. I then try to swim away from the waterfall, but it quickly pulls me down.

As I fell down the waterfall, I try to flap my wings that had become noticeable from the illusion but were wet and couldn't catch the air. I start screaming and flailing for help but saw the water below rapidly approaching. I kept flailing and screaming and shut my eyes and was bracing for the impact of the water but, just before I hit the water, I stop, I open my eyes to see my reflection in the water just inches away. I suddenly start floating over to the land where I saw someone in the trees holding out their hands with a circle and glowing energy surrounding him, I assume he was a mage.

As he sat me down on the ground he says, "You need to be more careful of where you go swimming." with a chuckle.

"I wasn't swimming I fell in when I tried to grab a pale from the river." I say trying to hide the embarrassment.

"Well just try and be more careful around the water. There are some nasty creatures in these waters" he says as he walks away but stops with a shocked face and turns to me and asks, "What's with the wings" he points, I look and hid them in my soaked shirt, "What wings, I have no Idea what you are talking about." I say looking down to my feet.

"Hey... What's your name?" I ask him,

His face fills with skepticism he then looks at me with a smile, "I'm Felix... Felix Cadense, and you?"

"I'm Marcus... Marcus Quin, but you can call me Mark" I reply with a smile, but shortly turns to a concerned face, "hey please don't tell anyone about my wings, my dad would be furious if he found out.",

"Your secret is safe with me" he says with a smirk, "Well, I've got to get going if I am to make it to town before nightfall." He says walking off into the woods.

"WAIT!!!! Are... Are you a Mage?" I yell, he doesn't stop to say anything and kept walking. 

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