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In the beginning days of the world, there was nothing but vast lands of barren wastelands, stretching for what seemed like forever. In this land nothing could grow, not even a blade of grass. But one day, great beasts came to this land and enriched it with Magic and life changing the land, rocks turned into mountains, trenches into streams, large open areas of nothing, turned to beautiful, lush fruit bearing forests. These Beast where to be known as The Dragons, along with them came the Elves and other magical creatures seeking a new place to live and prosper. The Ruler of the Dragons Amithorax was a powerful Beast who could create life itself. In these new lands he grew curious of what limitations of life he could give, and began to create creatures, one of these creatures would be known as Humans.

 In these lands that Amithorax created, humans grew, as he had hoped, they used the magic he had given them for cultivation of the lands and to aid them in their daily lives. But that hope was short lived when the humans created their own magic from the magic Amithorax had given them, this was the birth of the Evil magic known as Dark Magic. Humans began to use this magic to harm the creatures and beings of this land in their search for more power, clouding their minds of any remorse for the creatures they harm in the process. Amithorax found this outrageous and stripped the Humans of any way of using the Magic he gifted to them in hopes of stopping their conquest for more power, but the Humans were resilient and fought to try and gain their magical gift back but to no avail.

 The humans enraged at Amithorax had attacked him and his followers for their magic, but it only brought war and destruction to the humans. Then one group of humans turned some of the elven followers to their side and began to search for a way for the humans to use magic once again. The Humans found a way to use Magic their Dark magic and slayed the Dragon King and have continued this for generations, though each descendent of the Dragon King had a connection to the life creating force of the First Dragon King they were unable to use its power  to create life. The Dragons and Elves eventually Drove all the Humans to the other side of the continent and split it down the middle and drew all the Magic out of the humans side in fear of them misusing it for their Dark experiments. One Dark mage many generations after the divide found a spell that would change the life of a young boy forever.  

My Soul Became Intertwined with the Dragon KingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin