71 | past & present

Start from the beginning

I liked a muffler in the market, I bought it for you. Sending it with this letter. I can't wait to hear back from you.

In my cupboard drawer you will find a diary. It has a list of birthdays and wedding anniversaries of folks in the family. Might help you with making first impressions. :) Also, I have my special hot chocolate recipe written in that diary. You could try it and tell me if you like it.

Okay, going to go sleep. Need to wake up at five. The only part that I really hate.

Yours Truly,


Ruhaani let out a soft sigh. She had found the diary when she was rearranging the cupboard. "Your hot chocolate is now my all time favourite, Harsh. And in that diary, I had also written my birthday and our wedding date."

She blinked the tears forming in her eyes. How she wished she had got these letters earlier and had written back to him!

She picked up the third and final envelope. A strong scent of saffron hit her nostrils as she opened the seal. He had put small strands of saffron threads in it. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. Harsh loved Kashmir and everything about that place. She pulled out the folded page, closing her eyes and taking a sniff of the natural scent.

She slowly unfolded the paper and frowned. The ink on the page had been blotted at spots and mostly wiped away. She could only read the starting half.

Dear Ruhaani,

Sending the most beautiful scent with his letter. I still didn't get time to post the letters. You'll get all these three letters together with the muffler. I will post it immediately after finishing this letter, promise.

I now understand how annoying it is to tease people writing letters to their significant other. I also understand why most of them prefer writing letters in the quiet of the night.

I . . . . . . .

Ruhaani sighed as the rest of the ink had faded away, just like he had. Abrupt endings were so heart-rending. She stared at the second half of the page. It was as though the letter had been soaked in water or something, eating up his words. She folded the letter and packed the contents back into he box. Her mind resurfacing the bits of her last memories of him. When she went to the bus station to see him off.

I will write you letters, don't worry.

Okay. You better bring me a gift when you return.

Ruhaani sighed picking up the muffler. Her lips curled into a painful smile as she felt the soft wool. "I wanted you to bring the gift." Tears streamed down her cheeks and she brought the muffler close to herself.

"You were a beautiful part of my life, Harsh. Short but beautiful. Your hot chocolate recipe is now my favourite. Thank you for being the friend I never had. And I am sorry, I could never stay around to take care of your mom. We never got along. I am sorry I couldn't love you in that short period we had. You were a wonderful person and you'll always be a wonderful memory. I will always be grateful to you for those moments of kindness and companionship you gave me while we were together."

She wiped her tears, placing the muffler back with the letters. She picked the box and put it back into the storage cupboard next to her books.

A strange realization hit her. It was the first ever time she was not bitter about everything that had happened. Mourning Harsh's absence had always been about her, about how life was unfair to her. She was never grateful for what life had given her.

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