36 | new hope

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Ruhaani stepped out of the closet fully ready for the evening pooja. Her gaze was immediately drawn to the sight of Aadarsh combing Pari's hair. He was seated on the bed while the little girl stood between his legs instructing him to do it properly.

"Take this hair also behind." Pari ordered pointing the few strands on her forehead. Aadarsh carefully ran the comb over them and took them back. His eyes focused sharply on her hair.

"One strand also should not be there. It should be neat. Like mumma does it. So nicely she makes it."

"Yes, Pari. I will make it better than your mumma does." He muttered, taking a clip from the side and pinning her hair back.

Ruhaani who had been smiling ear to ear admiring the sight before her, almost rolled her eyes. It was surprising how a man as mature and responsible as him could come down to such petty competitiveness.

"But Maasi makes it better than Mumma." Pari spoke up.

Ruhaani slightly shook her head in disapproval. She didn't understand why her daughter always preferred Arti to her when it came to hair. Perhaps because Arti bought her fancy hair clips or let Pari use her soft bristles hair brush.

"There done." Aadarsh said with a content smile, admiring his work. "You look like a princess!"

Ruhaani couldn't help but smile. His sisters and Pari brought out the soft side of him. The Aadarsh threatening his uncle and this man patiently combing his daughter's hair seemed to be two entirely different people. Just like the Aadarsh who fought with her, who could say anything to annoy her and this man who said anything to make the little girl happy.

"Bhaiya, my hair also!" A voice distracted Ruhaani's thought and she shifted her attention to Mukti Sehgal who stormed in with her hands full of a comb, a few hairpins and a hair-tie.

Off late, Ruhaani was noticing a pattern. Mukti would end up asking the exact same things from Aadarsh that he gave Pari. The other day it was a hug, on another she wanted to be carried on his back. Give me a kiss also, I also want help with my house, feed me also. They were not unusual requests coming from a child. Maybe some of them were. But more than that, it was the timing that bothered Ruhaani. They were immediately followed by anything Aadarsh did for Pari. It seemed like a tell-tale sign of her growing insecurities.

"I can do a fish style braid," Ruhaani offered. The trio looked up at her nearly instantly.

"I can do it better than your Bhaiya, Muku!" Ruhaani said with a smile when she saw indecisiveness flash on the girl's face. She glanced at her husband who looked at her amused. "Come on, now," Ruhaani said holding her hand.

"Okay," Mukti smiled. Mukti sat on the edge of the bed while Ruhaani stood behind her back taking her comb.

"Mumma, I will be down." Pari said ready to run off. While Aadarsh got up from the bed.

"Don't trouble your DJ." Ruhaani said, but the girl was fast gone.

"Try being a little creative next time although I know I do it better...." Aadarsh whispered into her ears and walked past her. His arm brushing lightly against hers.

Ruhaani's suddenly felt like her heart was bungee jumping. She turned and gave him a slow look over her shoulder as he walked over to the vanity and picked up his comb. Traditional attire suited him just as good as a well-fitting tux.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

His whisper from earlier cause a warmth on her skin. On second thoughts, even not having a shirt on, suited him. She bit her lower lip as her fingers worked on making a fish braid of Mukti's jet black hair that ran down till half her back. Maybe she should think about something else. Like Mukti's hair. The Sehgal girls were blessed with such thick and luscious healthy hair. In fact, it was all the siblings. She quickly turned and had glimpse of Aadarsh as he combed his hair. They all were also obsessed with their hair.

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