17 | daughter

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Chapter 17 : daughter

Pari was fast asleep in the guest bedroom of the Seghal household along with the twins. It was more than half past eleven. Dai Jaan had been still up, waiting for them. The older woman had suggested Ruhaani stay the night. Ruhaani had assumed that was out of formality and refused the suggestion. However she was in for a surprise when Aadarsh repeated the suggestion.

"It's pretty late and cold. You should really consider staying the night here." He said.

She glanced up at him. It was indeed a better idea to stay. It would take at least another thirty minutes to reach home. The night was getting colder by the minute and she was already exhausted. She looked at Dai jaan, still thinking.

"Stay the night dear," Dai Jaan spoke.

"But," she looked at Aadarsh. Was it okay for her to stay a night at his home before marriage?

"This is going to be your house in a few days. And if you're worried about clothes for the night, then don't. I will get you some clothes to change into for the night." Dai Jaan tried convincing her.

"Okay. I will inform at home." She said, getting nods from both of them. She reached for her pocket and realized her phone was missing. She momentarily closed her eyes sighing, it was in the car. She looked up at Aadarsh to ask him for the car keys but paused when he took the phone out of his pocket and held it out to her. 

"You left it in the car." He said, his gaze meeting her eyes.

She nodded and took it from him. Turning around she walked a little away calling Arti. When she had informed her she'd stay the night, her cousin had started teasing her about spending a night at her fiancé's home before the marriage. She had explained the whole situation to her, yet Arti wouldn't give up on the teasing. After ending the call when she turned around, she found Aadarsh talking to Dai Jaan in a soft, barely audible voice.

"She wasn't stressed about the assignment right?" She heard his voice as she walked towards them.

"No, chote saab. She said everything was in control. She said her assignment was complete and she just had to proof read the thing in morning. She ate her dinner, then told me to wake her up at six exact and then went to bed."

"And Abhi, any call from him?"

"No, but he did send a message some time back, it said he'd be late. He said a friend would drive him back and that he had told you he will be late."

"He did, but not how late." Aadarsh said with a sigh.

"He'll be fine." Dai Jaan reassured.

Ruhaani smiled as Dai Jaan turned to her. "My dresses might be a misfit for you but you can come along and see which..."

"It's fine. I can sleep in this." Ruhaani said, not meaning that. There was no way she could sleep in those denims. She wore a comfortable t-shirt underneath her sweater so that was okay. But the denims, she was waiting to get out of them. 

"You could take something from Ashvi's clothes." Aadarsh suggested. 

"Ashvi's won't fit me either." She said and then turned to Dai Jaan. "I can sleep in this t-shirt, no problem. Maybe you can help me with a pajama."

"Right away. Let me go look for one that might work for you at least for the night." Saying that the woman disappeared.

Ruhaani's gaze slowly moved to Aadarsh. He was looking at her too. "I'll check on the kids." He said and turned around, ambling towards the guest room. Ruhaani followed him. He stood by the door watching them. She stepped beside him.

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