64 | coquetry

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Chapter 64 : Coquetry


Aadarsh blinked and turned to his brother hearing the annoying whispering noise he made.

"The fashion show is on the ramp," Abhi leaned sideways towards his brother and whispered.

"I am looking at the ramp." Aadarsh muttered. It would have been so much better having Ruhaani on his side, instead of across the room. He sighed, as he realized his thought process. He didn't behave like such a goner even when he was a teenager. Somehow she never left his mind, she had made it her permanent place.

"Bhabhs is not on the ramp, as far as I can see." Abhi teased.

"Shut up!" Aadarsh muttered under his breath, willing his gaze to not go back to Ruhaani.

"Please let's have some fun and drinks in the after party?" Abhi spoke softly, tilting towards his brother to keep their conversation as private as he could.

"Abhi," Aadarsh sighed, exhausted of denying his pleas.

"Please. It's her twenty-first. Let's treat her like an adult for once. Besides it's better she drinks with us around than on her own. And then, you never know, where she would be celebrating er next birthday, she might be in Paris or elsewhere." There was a hint of disappointment in Abhi's tone.

Aadarsh felt that selfish disappointment too. Since the beginning of time, they had all been together, lived under the same roof. To suddenly move across the ocean and stay elsewhere was a big deal for all of them.

Aadarsh blinked. He turned to Abhi. "And you might not be around too."

Abhi's face grew serious. "Yaa.." He sighed. Aadarsh's hope of hearing a no died a brutal death. Abhi was seriously considering the offer to move to the States.

The roar of applause made them turn to the front. Aadarsh was lost in his thoughts as he clapped to fit in the crowd. He was still unsure of what Abhi's decision would be. Usually he could predict his brother's thoughts, his action and his decisions. However it was no longer the case. He felt safer to assume it would be going to the US. At least he could mentally prepare himself like that.

"Okay, call the driver. If he's willing to pick us up at midnight. I am in." Aadarsh spoke. Abhi was right, he had to make most of what her had.

A smile bloomed on Abhi's face. "I love you, you know that right?"

Aadarsh managed a smile, despite the ugly feeling clawing his heart. When people moved away, they changed, their priorities changed, the relationship changed. In most cases, it meant worse for the person being left behind.


"Bhaiyaaaa!" Ashvi's squeal made both Abhi and Aadarsh turn around. They had been trying to locate the ladies since the past ten minutes, quite unsuccessfully.

"Finally! Where were you both?" Abhi asked and "Chipmunk why you shouting?"

"Guess what?" Ashvi said with her eyes shining with excitement.

"Pass. Just tell us." Abhi said, his disinterest evident.

"Bhabhs and I got a picture with the Roshan Shergill."

"The dude with six-pack abs who walked the ramp shirtless wearing cow boy jeans?" Abhi asked to confirm his assumption, his interest suddenly growing.

"Yep, him!" Ruhaani smiled.

"That guy can't act to save his life. Only has a good body. I wasted bloody two hours watching his debut movie. I swear I could act better than him and I even look better them!"

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