29 | pillow talks

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Chapter 29 : Pillow Talks

Abhi giggled as his step faltered yet again. Aadarsh who had his arm around his brother took a deep breath holding back a curse. "Careful, Abhi!" He spoke over the loud reverberating music as they made their way towards the exit.

He felt an arm graze his, his gaze flew towards Abhi to find Ruhaani supporting his other arm on her shoulders. Her left arm went around Abhi's back, just lined up below his. Their arms flushed against each other as they both supported him.

"I can manage," he said looking at her. Ruhaani was in high spirits, laughing loudly, smiling generously and cracking stupid jokes. Thankfully, she still held onto her sanity unlike Abhi who could barely manage to coordinate his steps or his thoughts.

"I know, but this will be easier." She replied, supporting Abhi to walk, making it easier for him.

"I wish you guys were my parents." Abhi sighed wistfully. "Papa Aadi, Mumma Ruhi,"

Aadarsh rolled his eyes, controlling his urge to whack his brother's head. The last thing he wanted was Abhi to spill out whatever he had eaten and drank through the day.

Ruhaani however laughed out loud. Aadarsh mentally made a note to never let both of them get drunk together. They both would drive him to the depths of insanity.

"Abhi baby," Ruhaani cooed, adding to Abhi's joke and they laughed.

However Abhi's laugh died quickly, succeeded by a rather low voice. "I miss Maa."

Aadarsh blinked, focusing on getting them out of the place.

"I miss my Maa too!" Ruhaani sighed.

Abhi turned to Ruhaani abruptly and moved his arm to hug her. Aadarsh pulled his hand back to keep the man's balance. Abhi had little control on his body, he'd only end up toppling on Ruhaani.

"Abhi, just don't talk and keep your arm around me, if you want to get out of here. I told you not to have stupid shots."

"He's so rude, all the time." Abhi whined.

Ruhaani agreed, "I know, I know. Don't take him seriously. I don't too."

Abhi let out a rather giggly laugh.

Aadarsh sighed, glad that they were through the alley and finally out.

"It's so damn cold." Ruhaani mumbled, stepping out, shuddering a bit.

Aadarsh looked towards the car where Ashvi had already ready with the door open. "Ashvi," he called out to his sister, "Please come here."

She nodded walking up to them.

"Hold Ruhaani's hand." Aadarsh instructed her.

Ashvi looked at her Bhabhi, puzzled, just as the latter.

"She's wearing heels and is also drunk." He explained, wondering why his younger siblings for once couldn't just blindly trust him. He literally always did what was best.

"I can manage myself. I am not drunk. Abhimanyu is." Ruhaani protested.

"Ruhaani," Aadarsh said in a tight voice, shooting a gaze at her. He immediately caught her narrow her eyes at him, ready to get into a battle right there. The drinks just made her more unapologetically herself. "Please, just hold Ashvi's hand." He said changing his words.

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