Chapter 12 - Thinking

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When I told them that I would be challenging that stupid alpha, it's because Dillan didn't win in his battle, and normally, he was supposed to die, but the Alpha was going easy on him. Not to mention the fact that we kind of interrupted it.

Even though that bastard was pumping Dillan full of silver, he had others drain it out of him till he was almost healed and the alpha would inject more. It was like a never-ending cycle. The more they drained him, the more they pumped it into him.

After asking the questions that I needed, I went to my room, but that didn't stop anyone from bothering me. My great aunt and my friends came to talk to me and try to clear my mind, but it didn't work. It just made me all the more curious.

They told me to hold my curiosity until tomorrow, so that is what I did. I held it all in, and when sunset came, they came and got me to start learning. Cassandra said that everyone would be training, not just me. That included my friends, Evangeline, Elantra, Dillan, and his friend.

Cassandra had said that when the battle happens between the Alpha and me, I would most likely need Dillans' help with it since he is centuries old and knows just about everything. At first, I was confused, but she explained it the more she taught us stuff.

Dillan had volunteered to go first to try and defeat his Alpha until his last breath, but he said that he would let Elantra know if he needed help. He said he most likely will, and when he gives Elantra the mark on her arm for help, she will send Evangeline to get me, and I will take over.

It is supposed to be a trick of the mind, but they had mentioned it won't last long. They would make Dillan look like me, and I look like Dillan. So, in reality, it would be me fighting him and not Dillan. I would just have to pretend to be hurt. That way, the Alpha thinks he is winning.

For the training, we went further into the forest so no one would see us. We needed to be extra careful just in case that bastard of an alpha decided to spy on us. Dillan had said he is known to do that, and the first time he learned that is when he tried to rape Elantra when she was feeling Dillans heat. The Alpha had smelled it on her and tried to have his way, but Dillan showed up just in time to stop him.

I have heard enough stories about that man and him hurting people that it literally makes my blood boil. I have never felt anger like this, but now that I do, I will use it in every way to defeat him and that sister of mine.

My aunt said that if I practiced enough, I could send prayers to my mother in my times of need, just by saying some easy spells. She talks about my mother a lot, and it fascinates me very much and how I could've been raised to be the true person that I am, but at the same time, I wouldn't have met my friends.

She said she would teach us those when we are done learning all of the hard stuff that shouldn't take long, right? I'm not sure, but that's what everyone said. Hearing about my mother makes me want to meet her so badly, but my aunt said that I couldn't until I was ready.

She also said that it might take less time for me to learn things since I come from a long line of witches and warlocks. Including the fact that my great grandmother is Persephone herself. I don't know what to think of that, but it would be really awesome if I could meet them sooner.

They all seem amazing, but again, my aunt keeps telling me that I have to wait until I am ready. She said that when I am ready, I will be able to feel my mother through my heart. That part got me confused, but I am here to learn everything. From the littlest thing the the biggest. I have always been determined to do what I want and what I set out to be, but now my life has changed.

At first, my dream was to go to college, but now, since this happened, I have no choice but to learn. Well, I mean, I got a choice, and I think I am making the right one. I will stand and fight against my friends and family. They are what matter most to me. Without them, I don't know where I would be.

I have to thank that old lady for trapping us in here because I got to meet a part of my family that I didn't know I had, and I got to learn a lot of new things. At the same time, I also hate that bitch for doing that because even though Cassandra said that my friends are supernaturals like me, they have other family on the outside world.

It would tear them apart if they don't see them again. Just like I thought it would to me. Well, until I found out I was adopted. I can only blame one person for that, and that's the stupid alpha.

We would train every day at sunset and sometimes in the early morning. Cassandra had said that we needed to learn our weaknesses and our strengths when it comes to our powers. We all trained till night time and then woke up early enough to follow my aunt outside to the training grounds.

Everything is running smoothly for now, but she said that can vanish in a heartbeat, and I am scared that I won't get it, but I've got to have faith in myself and I do. I have all the faith in the world.

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