Chapter 10 - Great Aunt?

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Back at the cottage

The witches follow us to Elantras' cottage, but the only one that comes in is my supposed great aunt.

"Okay, we're in a closed space like you asked, now explain. How can you be my great aunt? I'm human, and you're a witch." I say uncertain if she is telling the truth or not. I feel a pull towards her, but I fight it.

"Chris, you're adopted." She deadpans.

"Wait, what? What do you mean I'm adopted? There's no way I am adopted." I say as a makeshift portal open up, and my parents step through it.

"She's not lying. You're adopted. We were supposed to tell you the day we left for work but we couldn't. That day, we were supposed to take care of witch business. I'm not actually a doctor, I'm a witch, and your adoptive dad here is a warlock." My mother tells me.

"You mean to tell me, I'm adopted, and a warlock, since you guys are witches." I say pointing to my aunt and mother.

"Yes, but you're not just a warlock. You're also a werewolf." Cassandra says.

"How the fuck can I be a warlock and a werewolf?" I ask.

"Your mother was a witch, and your father is a werewolf. They were killed because, back then, it was a crime for werewolves to be mated to witches, so after you were born, I took you away and gave you to this lovely couple to look after you." My aunt says.

"Why give me to them? Why not take care of me yourself? Why?" Question after question spill out of my mouth as I start getting angry and panic.

"I did take care of you for the first year of your life, but the wolves that forbade others to mate with witches came looking for you to kill you but I couldn't let them do that because I swore to my older sister i would protect you. I almost died in the process, but Elaine and Toruk here came and saved me and offered to take you in since they can change their appearance much like the old lady can." Cassandra tells me, and she wipes away a lone tear.

"Why didn't you go with them when they took me? Why didn't you?" I kept questioning.

"I didn't go because they could sense my magic protecting you. My mother put a curse on me because she thought i would end up as evil as the old lady since she raised me. The curse was to allow wolves to sense my magic on both human and wolf forms, and I couldn't put you in danger anymore than what I did." She states as she falls to her knees, crying.

I soften up a little bit as I go to hug her, and she hugs me back. She's as cold as ice, but I guess thats a witch thing.

"I'm sorry if I was mean, I was just so confused, and I wanted answers." I tell her as she stops crying.

"It's okay, I understand your reaction. I had the same one when I found out the old lady wasn't my grandma like my mother had said she was. But we're not here to discuss that. We're here to help you all escape this trapped world. It will take some time, preferably a couple of years, because magic like that takes years to perfect." Casandra states as we all cheer happily.

"If you want, you can invite the other witches inside to eat. I will cook up something really quick for us all." Elantra says.

"Hold up. Mom, you owe me some answers. What did you mean he was my possible mate?" Evangeline asks.

"Alright, well, since we're on the subject of telling each other everything, i might as well tell you right now instead of later." Elantra pauses for a couple of minutes before continuing. "When you and your father left to go deal with some pack business, Chris said he felt a need to go protect you and when you came back with the big cut on your face, that set him off and that's why he wanted to go kill the alpha." Elantra tells her.

A moment of silence can be heard before Evangeline eventually speaks up.
"So you mean to tell me that when I turn seventeen in a couple of months, I will know for sure if he's my mate or not?" She asks.

"Yes, exactly." Elantra says.

"Well, I did not expect that." Evangeline tried to tell herself, but we all hear it no matter what.

This whole day has been blurry, but I don't regret what I learned.

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