Chapter 2- Exploring

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Chris POV

The shock disappears from their faces as fast as it showed up. It was only then that I saw they were all smiling like if it was a good idea.

"I'm all in as long as we all go together." Ashley said a bit weary.

"Oh, same here. Amanda said she would go as well but aren't there like stories on why we shouldn't enter the forest." Miranda speaks up in a somewhat frightened tone.

"Yea, what Miranda asked. Aren't there like a ton of stories why we shouldn't go exploring. I mean, what if we stumble across something from one of the stories that people have told us, Chris?" Jake questions me, and I just think about what to say.

"You mean the stories that our parents told us?" I ask back in a somewhat confused tone.

"Not just of what our parents have told us, but the stories that were past down from generation to generation. What if it's all true." Eliiot speaks up.

"Well, you guys have a point there, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Plus, we will be back. We are just going to hike there and explore for a couple of minutes and then come back. What's the worst that could happen?" I question as I look at all of them.

"Well, I mean, I am skeptical, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" said Edgar as we all looked at him, completely shocked.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Was it something I said?" Question after question spilling out of his mouth.

"No, it's just that we aren't too completely sure if we should. I mean the stories, or how creepy it looks. Everything about it just seems unsettling. Don't you guys think? Or is it just me?" Amanda speaks up, looking absolutely terrified.

"Well, it does, but like Chris said, it wouldn't hurt to try." Edgar said as he went up to Amanda and held her close.

"Alright then, it's settled. We hike the mile there and explore only for a little bit, and then we come straight back. No stopping to do anything. We are just going there to see what's inside of the creepy forest." I say as we all look at each other.

"Well, alright. Let's get to packing some snacks and some drinks." Elliot says while looking for an empty bag.

A couple minutes later, we are all packed and ready to go on this hike to explore this creepy forest.

At first I thought it was a brilliant idea and I wonder if it's too late to back out but then I remembered it was my idea and I just became more determined to explore it and see if the stories are true.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" I say as they all nod their heads yes in response as we set out on the hike.

We didn't bother to tell our parents because we knew we would be back since we were just going to explore for a couple of minutes and then come back.

I also don't bother to lock the door since my parent would be back in the morning, and they don't have a separate key with them as they gave me the only one for the door.

About thirty minutes later, we reached the dark and creepy forest. I looked back at my friends only to see the girls clinging on their boyfriends. I don't blame them because I wanted to do the same thing, but I've got to be brave.

"Okay, we made it. Remember, we're just going in for a little bit to explore and then back out, and then we head back to my house." I say proudly as they all agree, and Jake speaks up.

"Oh also, we stick together. No leaving each other's sight." He says sternly.

We all look at each other before huddling close and heading inside. We take out our flashlights as we are all engulfed into the darkness.

I wanted to pee my pants, but I kept telling myself to be brave. I have to be brave for myself and for my friends. I can not give this opportunity up.

We look around to see if there would be any animals, but none came out or made any noise. Which is okay because forest animals are known to be super shy and won't show themselves unless they want to.

I spot a path, and I motion my friends to follow me, and they oblige. We walk along it and stop as we hear some noise behind us. We turn around to look, but there's nothing there. Maybe we just heard it in our imaginations.

We continue along the path before it splits in two. We all decide quietly on which one to take, and a minute later, we decide to take the second path.

We walk and walk as the darkness swallows us whole. We pass by some trees and go uphill for a little bit, but we freeze when we see smoke rising into the sky.

I look back at my friends and nod towards it, but they shake their heads no, not wanting to make a sound. Instead, we just continue to walk up until we stumble upon it.

In The Void- A Path In The Woods- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now