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The sound of something crashing makes me jump out of bed

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The sound of something crashing makes me jump out of bed.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my chest at any second as I grab the baseball bat that leans on my nightstand.

Of all days the stalker chose today to break into my house. The day when my parents and my older sister and brother aren't home.

I slowly tip toe down the stairs and grip the bat tightly.

I will not die today.

I will not die today.

I chant those five words in my head as I turn the corner and spot a tall shadowy figure.

It's dark so I can't really make out who it is but my guess is that it's that fucker that's been after us the last month.

I swing the bat and just when I think it'll make contact with the fuckers head, the bat gets ripped from my grasp and thrown on the floor.

I try to run to the kitchen for a knife of any other weapon but my hand gets grabbed and the next thing I know my body is being pinned against a wall.

With my wrist pinned above my head I look up and say, "Who the fuck are you and what are you do-."

I stop when I notice it's not the stalker or a stranger holding me hostage.

It's Will.

I let out a sigh. "Will, what are you doing here?"

He removes one hand, turns on the light then puts his hand back.

I can see him more clearly now and his mouth tilts up in a smirk. "What? You're not happy to see me Wreny?"

I roll my eyes and say, "Seriously what are you doing here at one in the fucking morning?"

Hesitantly He speaks, "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Silas and Cade both got attacked and...I just wanted to make sure you were safe."

My heart does a weird thumping thing and I feel something fluttering in my stomach.

I've never really felt this way before. Sure I've slept with a couple guys but they never made me feel this way.

Not that I'll ever admit this to anyone but, I've never gone all the way. The guys never complained they were just happy they got a chance with me.

They were just a quick finger fuck or oral to let off steam but it's different with Will.

Even though I may hate him and even though he pisses me off I still have this overwhelming urge to be around him and feel his body close to mine.

"Where'd you go?" He asks.

"Oh...uh nowhere." I stutter a little.

I look down at our bodies and realize how close we are. "Could you um scoot away a little?"

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