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Today was the day I would move in with perfect shaped devils in disguise

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Today was the day I would move in with perfect shaped devils in disguise.

In other words the Doreen Family.

To be fair I don't really know if there evil but I know for a fact they are perfect.

Well on the outside.

They walk around all rich and snobby. Flaunting there designer clothes and money. That's why I'm moving in there because they have so much money that there house has 10 FUCKING BEDROOMS AND 6 GODDAMN BATHROOMS.

Not to mention the huge kitchen and dining that sits in the middle of there perfectly designed mansion.

My mom and Mrs.Doreen were best friends back in high school but they had a fall out towards the end of senior year. The whole friend group did.

But she won't tell me why.

So when she found out my step father had been mistreating my mother and me she forced us to move in here into one of there fifty million bedrooms.

Don't get me wrong I'm grateful to move out of that shit hole run by an abuser and a pedo but I still don't trust these people.

I can take care of myself, she may have been my moms friend back in high school but that doesn't mean I want her charity.

But I'm doing this for my mother.

My mother.

"You ready Emmy?" My mother asks as she picks up her bags and we start our way to the door.

I break out of my trance and mutter, "As ready as I'll ever be to move in with complete strangers."

"That's the spirit Em!" Sarcasm drips in her tone as she speaks.

She rings the door the bell and a sweat melodic sound hits my ears.

The big brown oak doors open and a medium height brunette women appears.

She's beautiful.

Her long Chestnut colored hair flows over her shoulders, curls bouncing a little as she hugs my mother.

She steps back and I get a chance to see what she's wearing. A white sundress with blue flowers scattered on it appears on her body. I look down further expecting to see high heels or sanders but instead see white cotton socks that say it's a great day to have a wonderful day.

The world comes back to focus and my eyes wander back to her face.

A huge smile take over her entire face. A smile that makes me feel warm inside.

Which rarely happens. Something's up with this place.

"You must be Emberly. I've heard so much about you. And might I saw your even more beautiful than the pictures."

She leans in for a hug and I return in reluctantly.

I'm not much of a hugger.

"Thanks for letting me and my mom stay." I say with my fake smile.

"No problem honey. It was my pleasure, here I'll show you to your rooms."

She tells us to leave our bags the butler will get them and to follow her.

So I do.

She takes us up the long stairs and hallway.

She stops at a door and says, "This will be your room Emberly. It's right next to my sons room, so if you need anything feel free to ask him."

"Thanks Mrs. Doreen."

"Oh, call me Margret." With that she spins on her heels and takes my mother with her which I assume is to show my mother her room.

I turn to the face the door.

Well my door now.

I twist the knob and push the door open.

As I walk in I'm met with a gigantic bed pushed up against the back wall right in the middle. Fresh white sheets and a comforter cover the bed while a light blue blanket hangs on the of the bed.

I look to the side of the bed and see a night stand on each side of the bed. But that's not what catches my eye.

No. It's the bay window with a book shelf right next to it.

Hundreds of books fill the wooden shelf.

A wave of happiness washes over me. It's small but it's there.

Books are one of the few things that can bring me even that slight wave of happiness.

Before I can start unpacking my phone buzzes.

UNKNOWN: Don't get to comfortable in you and mommy dearest's new home. Who knows how long you'll be there.

Until next time Emberly,

I quickly ex out of messages and throw my phone on to my new bed.

Something settles in my stomach that makes me nauseous.

Something about that message doesn't sit right with me. Was it my ex stepfather Dan?

If not, then who the fuck just texted me.


How do you like Emberly so far?

Asher and Emberly will most likely meet in the next chapter so until then.

I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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