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I feel Birdies little body snuggle closer to mine when a gust of wind blows through the air

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I feel Birdies little body snuggle closer to mine when a gust of wind blows through the air.

The goose bumps are apparent on her beautiful tan skin as I look down at her.

"Are you cold?" I ask.

She smiles, "Yea just a little."

"Here. Take my jacket." I shrug my jacket of my shoulders and place it on her smaller ones.

The jacket swallows her tiny body alive.

"Thank you but I much prefer your body heat." Her smile widens and my heart beat fastens.

God, there's something about her.

That damn smile.

"Good to know little flower." My smile grows so wide I can feel it take up my whole face.

"Little flower?" She looks up at me with a curious glint in her sparkling green eyes.

Out of all the expressions Birdie has this one is by far my favorite.

"Yea little flower. You're vibrant and beautiful just like a flower." I say looking down at her and into her eyes.

I wish I didn't do that now because I can't bring my self to look away.

A dark crimson red forms on her cheeks and she looks away.

She's so adorable.

Sense when do I call people adorable.

"Why the little part?" She asks.

"Because you're so small and adorable. My jacket swallows you alive." I motion tworads the jacket and laugh making my shoulders shake.

I thought the crimson red on her cheeks before was bad but when I look down her whole face is an even darker red.

I was about to say something when I heard a clanging sound.

A viable shiver ran down Birdies spine. I couldn't tell if it was from the cold or that sound, but my bet is the second.

I pull her into my side and put my arm around her slender waist.

"Did you hear that?" She whispers.

The tone her voice takes in that whisper makes my cock jump slightly.

Calm the fuck down buddy, now is not the time.

I lean down and whisper is her ear, "Yea I heard it but you're okay. You're safe with me."


Soon we reach her front door and my arm reluctantly moves from around her waist.

"Good night little flower." I smile.

"Good night Cadie!" She smiles back so brighter my heart does a flip and my cock twitches.

Damn that's twice today.

I wait for her to close her door before I start walking away.

I let out a loud gasp as my body gets pulled back.

But instead of my back hitting cold cement it hits a hard chest.

A cold sharp object touched my throat. Before I can speak to see who the fuck this is they push the object, what I'm assuming is a knife, harder into my throat.

Little drops of blood leak from my neck and onto my shoes.

"Hello there Cade. I see that you and your group of friends banded together." He says coldly.

"So I've decided to send them a message. Through you." He laughs just as coldly and my heart almost beats out of my chest.

And not like I how I felt with Birdie.

"I'd like to see you try asshole." I smirk.

"Who's the one with the knife? Oh right that's me." He says before I feel something sharp stab into my arm.

He twists the knife as I cry out in pain.

After the stalker removes it he punches me. Hard.

I fall to the ground my vision going blurry.

The last thing i feel and hear is Birdies voices as she try's to stop the blood that's currently gushing out of my arm.

"Little flower."


Temperance's character next!

I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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