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(A/N - This story is almost at 100 reads, and I appreciate it so much! It would mean a lot to me if you commented or voted because it helps boost my story! Also, I only just noticed that there have been quite a few problems with the chapter numbers. Sorry about that!)

Ash woke up to her phone ringing. She reluctantly pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked who it was. She squinted her eyes at the bright light of her phone and read the contact name. Bo? He hadn't talked to her in days. What could he possibly need at this time? She reluctantly answered the phone.

"Bo?" She called out and waited for a response.

"ASH! ASH HEL-" His voice was muffled by something, and Ash immediately tracked the call to find he was on the other side of New York. She knew something bad was happening so she turned to wake Peter.


Peter shot up and glanced around the makeshift room, panicked from the startling shouts. He spotted Ash dragging on her suit, and Peter did the same, knowing something was going on. As soon as he had his suit on, Ash wasted no time in grabbing his wrist and swinging towards the location.

"What's going on?" Peter was still disoriented from just having woken up.

"Bo. Danger. Gotta help," Ash simplified frantically in half sentences and didn't turn to Peter when he spoke. Peter didn't bother asking, more focused on the fact that Ash was this panicked. He had never seen her like this before, focused, jumpy, vigilant. She was always so light-hearted, even when she was on patrol. She would always make sarcastic jokes when she was fighting criminals and laugh when she told Peter how she'd beat their asses.

Ash barrelled through the window of an abandoned building, showering glass everywhere and taking Peter with her. Ash looked around the empty room rigidly until she spotted a door and sprinted towards it, barging through it without a word. Ash quickly took in everything about the small room, from the files strewn across the floor to the two bloody people tied up on the floor. Juni and Bo.

She cut the ropes as fast as she could and helped them up. Once Juni and Bo were safely stood with Peter, who was bandaging them both up in front of the open door, Ash held back a sigh of relief. This was easy. Too easy. She watched the trio, making sure no one would attack them from the shadows, but then she felt someone grip her arm. She quickly spun around to see an army of HYDRA agents.

Just as the other three realised what was happening, Ash pushed them out of the way using her webs. The agents wasted no time in surrounding her without trouble, no matter how much electricity she used on them. Though Peter tried to fight the agents, they swiftly threw him to the ground and dragged Ash away.

"Peter, help!" Ash cried out through tears. In reality, she didn't want him to help. It would get him hurt, and that was the last thing she wanted.

"Ash!" Peter couldn't do anything yet. He knew he was no match for the agents. Peter crumpled to the ground and sobbed, while Juni and Bo stood frozen to the spot. Peter's sadness was quickly replaced by pure rage. Rage towards the agents for taking his Ash away, rage towards the universe for making this happen to her, but mostly, rage towards himself for being too weak to help. Peter knew what he had to do but he didn't like it. Peter turned to Juni and Bo, "Go home. I have some business to attend to."

As soon as he spoke, he swung through the window Ash had broken, leaving the other two to head back to their homes.

As he swung through the empty early morning streets of New York, he thought to himself. Where's the scarlet witch when you need her? He came to a stop in front of the Avengers tower and spotted an open window on the penthouse. Perfect for him to make a dramatic entrance. He needed one to alert them of his presence.

He swung up with all his might and pelted straight through the open window. He landed in a roll and looked around the room to find all the Avengers. Wanda was playing guitar, Vision was cradling a toaster and looking at it like a new born baby, Pietro and Clint were playing Mario kart while Tony betted on them, Bruce was tinkering with chemicals, Steve was making heart-eyes at Bucky, Natasha was throwing knives at the wall, while the rest of them talked. Then they all looked at Peter's dishevelled appearance, so he got straight to the point.

Peter demanded bluntly, with none of the usual emotion to his voice, "I need your help."

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon