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The Avengers watched as the two curled up and went to sleep, making sure they were fully asleep before they left the lab. Everyone slowly drifted back into what they were doing previously, except Tony, who went to the med wing because he had a very broken nose from falling over.

Once Tony's nose was fixed and it was dark, the team went to sleep.


The next morning, it was about time the teens stopped skipping school so they could do stupid stuff with the Avengers, so they had to be woken up. Tony impolitely refused with lots of shouting, while Wanda happily volunteered.

She walked down the hall and softly pushed open the door to Peter's room, already knowing they were both there from the cameras. She walked up the bed and spoke in a soft voice. "Hey, you two. It's time to get up."

Ash woke up, but Peter didn't. Ash slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. "What? You can't mean we have to go back to school! We already know everything."

Wanda hummed. "How about we make a deal. If you go to school, you can insult teachers as much as you want."

Ash narrowed her eyes. "And what else do me and Peter get out of it?"

"Not being grounded."

Ash gasped. "Wanda! You can't ground us. you're only a few years older! Plus, you aren't our dad."

Wanda laughed. "And Tony is?"

"Yes. Peter and I are his intern vigilante children. Now shoo and let us sleep."

Wanda sighed and started to levitate the two out of bed. This is what woke Peter up. "What the heck, Wanda!"

"You need to go to school. It's for your own good."

Wanda frowned at the two as they complained, and then Ash thought of something. "Wait... wasn't I suspended for what I did to Flash?"

She shook her head. "No, Tony pulled a few strings."

Ash was very clearly annoyed. "DAMN YOU, TONY, WITH ALL YOUR RICHNESS!" Wanda just held them in the air until Ash gave up. "Fine! We'll go, just put us down. At least I get to insult teachers."

Peter cleared his throat. "Correction, we. We get to insult teachers. Especially the chemistry teacher."

Ash cheered. "I CAN FINALLY MAKE FUN OF MR. BUTTER AS MUCH AS I WANT!" She ran to her room and was back in an instant, now wearing a pair of baggy, faded jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and a denim jacket. "Hurry up, Petey! We need to make sure we aren't late so we can make fun of as many teachers as possible!"

Peter nodded, and Ash and Wanda left the room. After what seemed like eternities, Peter walked out in a pair of skinny jeans, a science pun t-shirt, and, of course, Ash's grey hoodie. She laughed. "I'm never getting my hoodie back, am I?"

"Nope!" The two walked down the hall and into the lounge. They threw themselves onto the couch and waited until it was time to leave. After a few minutes, they felt a tap on their shoulders, and Tony stood behind them. "Time to go, you two!"

Ash stood up with a sigh. "Fine, dad. Take me to that hell hole of a school."

Tony was practically overflowing with happiness. "You... called me dad? YOU CALLED ME DAD! I'M FINALLY A FATHER FIGURE TO SOMEONE!"

Ash froze for a moment. "Congratulations. You got me to call you dad without thinking about it."

Peter walked in between the two. "This is a lovely moment, and I also see you as a dad, but can we please get to school. Wanda gave us a deal that we're allowed to insult teachers if we go, and I have a few things to say about some teachers."

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now