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"Hey, Spidey," Ash greeted. Peter had swung to Ash's roof, only to find her drinking Pepsi through her mask.

"I'm not gonna ask how that works, but we should probably get going on patrol," Peter said as he approached her. She finished the entire bottle in one go.

She spoke after a few seconds, "Alright, come on, Spidey. Robbery is in progress at the bank on 4th Street." (A/N - I'm British. idk how American street names work. sorry.)

"How do you even know that?" Peter asked, extremely confused.

"Ari's wired up to every camera in the city. She looks through them all and tells me what there is. Easy!" She explained and smiled under her mask. "Now come on!"

They both swung off the roof, and Ash spoke again as they swung towards the bank. "5 hostages, 2 of them seem to be teenagers, and the others look like maybe mid 20's. I'll get the hostages you deal with the criminals. There are 4 of them. All armed with some high tech looking guns."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Peter responded jokingly.

"If you do that again, I will gouge your eyes out with a fork," Ash stated firmly, though she was chuckling.

They arrived at the bank, and Peter went through the front door, Ash went around to the back. She pushed the door nervously, letting out a relieved sigh when the door opened easily. She walked in and found 5 very worried people tied up on the ground.

Before Ash could approach, one of them spoke, "Who are you?"

"Electrachnid, now shush and let me untie you all." Ash explained, pulled out her small blade and cut away at the ropes. She always had a blade on her in case of emergencies like this. Just as she finished cutting the ropes on the last person, she heard a gunshot and felt warm blood trickling down her shoulder.

"That's... gonna leave a mark," She muttered as she turned and electrocuted the person who shot her. "But you can't get rid of me that easily!" She reached into her small pouch on her suit and pulled out a weighted net. It was made of her webs, which were excellent electricity conductors, and a few electricity blasts. Not enough to harm anyone who touches it, but enough to keep them down. Once the net hit the guy, she took his gun and examined it. There was a small logo on it. HYDRA. That couldn't be good. What would HYDRA need any money for? She brushed away those thoughts and ushered the people out of the door before going to help Peter.

He had webbed everyone down except one, who Ash quickly disoriented with a blast of electricity, so Peter could web the guy. They did a fist bump and walked out of the bank, only to be hit by a wave of reporters, like last time.

"Spiderman! What happened?"

"Bank robbery. 5 hostages, all safely escorted out of the building unharmed."

"Electrachnid! Are you and Spiderman dating?"

They both blushed. "No, we aren't dating."

"Are you crime-fighting partners now?"

They both had to think about it, but Ash responded, "I don't know. Are we crime-fighting partners, Spidey?"

"I'd say so."

"Then yes, we are crime-fighting partners."

Peter continued to answer questions, while Electra was distracted by her electra-senses going off. She assumed hers were more sensitive than Peter's because he didn't seem to notice anything. She looked around until she spotted what it was. On top of an apartment building, she noticed Ironman staring directly at them. She wanted to see what he wanted. Then she noticed which roof he was standing on. Hers. She silently grabbed Peter tightly by the waist and swung them off before he could ask questions. She didn't want to alert Ironman that she knew he was there, so she swung a loop of the block and explained to Peter, before silently coming up behind him. Ironman seemed to be looking for where they'd gone, unaware that they were right behind him. He turned to check behind the building, but he was met with both Ash and Peter standing right in front of him.

They both shouted in synchronisation and chuckled, "Boo!"

Ironman shrieked, and the two vigilantes burst out laughing. "Alright, what do you want?" Ash inquired.

Ironman swore then quickly used his boosters to escape. Ash narrowed her eyes at him as he slowly flew off. "Well, that was... confusing."

"Confusing is an understatement," Peter added.

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now