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He arrived back on the roof at around 9pm and threw on his suit so he could patrol. He wished he could go and find Ash now, but he knew she was on the other side of the world. The best he could do was make sure everyone else in New York was safe.

He missed having Ash by his side during patrols. He missed the way she talked, the way she laughed, the way she fought. He was her world, and she was gone.

He swung off of the building and patrolled to clear his mind. He managed to stop 3 muggings, 4 attempted murders and a car theft by the time he had to go annoy the Avengers.

He grabbed his flamethrower and swung towards Avengers tower, and did a backflip through the open window. Peter looked towards the kitchen to find a very confused Pietro, who just got up to get some water. "Is that a... Flamethrower?" he puzzled hesitantly.


"Not gonna ask." Pietro stated, spun around, glass of water in his hand, and walked back to his room.

Peter sat on the couch and waited for the Avengers to wake up. He really wanted to get started on this plan. Ash had been gone for 2 days now, and he didn't like it. The seconds quickly turned to minutes as he sat there, waiting for the Avengers. He watched the beautiful sun start to rise over New York. As tired as he was, he didn't fall asleep.

Eventually, he was dragged away from the beautiful view by a confused group of avengers and Pietro sitting down next to him, unbothered by his presence. "What. The. Hell. How did you even get in?" Tony asked.

"I thought you were a genius. I got in the same way as last time, the window. Anyway, battle plans. Anyone got any ideas, or am I going first?" Peter prompted.

The Avengers stared at him blankly so he continued, "I say we find the facility, secure every exit we find, send people out in groups of 2 or 3 to find Electra, we gather and then get her out together, considering she is most likely heavily guarded. Any objections?"

Tony looked at him thoughtfully. "You sure you aren't related to Fury?"

Peter brushed off the comment. "No? Okay, we leave as soon as possible, when is that? She's been gone for a week now, and that's a week too long." (A/N - This is definitely not how many days I've written, just assume the extra days were spent training.)

"I'll check with Fury, I'll be back soon," Natasha clarified.

The Avengers watched as Natasha walked to the elevator, and Tony decided to attempt to lighten the mood. "Hey Spideyyyyy," he said, amusement lacing his tone.

"Don't call me Spidey. Only Electra can call me that." Peter lectured in a stern voice, knowing what he was trying to do, and he was failing at it.

"I heard from a friend that you have a crush on Electrachnid. Once we get her back, when are you going to-" Peter webbed Tony's mouth shut before he could say anything else and internally hated himself for even mentioning he liked Ash.

Everyone on the team was bombarding him with questions and practically piling on to him when the elevator dinged and Natasha walked in. Peter looked at her, silently asking for help until she sighed and peeled everyone off of him. "What even happened back there?"

Peter tried to explain but was rudely cut off by Clint. "HE LIKES ELECTRA!"

Nat looked unbothered. "I'd assume he tolerates her. They're crime-fighting partners."

Clint sighed at her obliviousness yelled again, "NO, HE HAS A CRUSH ON HER!"

Nat still looked unbothered. "Fury's sending a jet now. It'll get here in 15 minutes. Spiderman, you can sit down. As for the rest of you, suit up."

Wrong Number, Sorry! - Peter Parker x fem ocWhere stories live. Discover now