Chapter 40

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"What do you think you're doing!" I hiss, run to them and slap the guy's arm. Then I stiffen, realising what I just did. "Who-who are you?" I squeak, not lifting my eyes from the guy's arms.

"Polan," the guy says with a smooth voice. A familiar one. "The only one allowed inside for now."

I lift my gaze to meet with the red-eyed doctor who once bandaged my hand. He has a tentative smile on his face.

"What do you need with Dante?" I ask.

"I'm sure Harwal told you I know about everything," he says. "I just need to check if he's healthy."

Greece gasps and runs next to me to gawk at the doctor. "You're not speaking in that weird manner."

"Ah, yes. You've been gone for a while," he says and shrugs. "Our Shuran wanted to change some laws. So now if we want to change the way we speak, we can. Most don't want to, but I sure did." The man scrunches up his nose and gives me the already familiar 'I smell a mark' -face, but only for a moment.

Greece lets out a squeal and looks at me in excitement. "I can finally make sense of who's who. Fuck, Jas is amazing!"

Dante grabs my arm and eyes the guy warily. "Is he really a doctor?" He whispers.

"I am," the guy says, not skipping a beat. "I know humans wear clothes to indicate it, but we don't. I need to get your blood and do a check-up."

"Why do you need his blood?" I ask, frowning. "It should be fine with...what was done."

"That's exactly why I need it," he says, never breaking his smile. "To make sure nothing is poisoning him. It's...uncommon for a pureblood to give it to someone like him." His voice grows quieter and quieter the more he talks. He glances behind him and nods his chin up. "Shut the door and take me to your medical bay." His smile is gone.

Chills run up my spine. I share an alarmed look with Dante and Greece. Why can't anything be simple?

"Harwal said its all he needs," I whisper.

"In theory, yes. Let's get to the medical."

"Okay," I say and slam the door button, immediately taking Dante's arm and getting to the med-bay.

"How do you feel?" The doc asks Dante.

"Fine. Better than ever," he replies and sits on the medical pod's table. "Is it wrong?"

I pace next to them and keep a keen eye on the doctor's movements. I'm not sure if I can trust... wait. Didn't Erel say that the Emperor's brother knows about it? My mouth pops open and I stare at the doc with new eyes. I don't understand how I didn't put two and two together.

The doc palms and squeezes Dante's limbs and horns, cheeks and fingers. Then he checks his mouth, pulls out his black tongue and twists it, and then huffs.

"You're obedient," the guy says.

I scowl. "Are you fucking around?"

He gives me a glance and huffs again. "A little. I've never seen a Kit this patient."

"Aren't you supposed to make sure he's fine? Is this a joke to you?"

"It's fine mom," Dante says with a smile.

"Mom?" The doc pauses and stares at me from head to toe. "I thought he was the other one's Kit."

"Mine?" Greece rings up, laying on a row of uncomfortable chairs. "Please. I'm too young and pretty to have kids - no offence."

I ignore her remarks. "Isn't it obvious I'm his mom?"

"Some females are protective of Kits. I thought that's why you are behaving like this. I didn't get any names in the call, so you can't blame me. Besides, you're the one who's scared of us." He has a stupid smile on his face, but then his eyes widen. "Wa-wait...doesn't that mean you are the one with Harwal?" He takes a sniff and grimaces. "Impossible. Doubly so."

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