Chapter 27

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"Candice! Sofia! Whatever!"

I jerk awake and look around disoriented. Greece's purple and swollen face adorns a smug grin right in my face.

"Finally awake," she says with a chuckle. "I thought you're dead or something. Gimme that." She takes something from my hands, and I blink at the tequila bottle. Thankfully, it isn't completely drained. That treacherous bottle showed no answers. It only gave me horrible ideas.

"I don't think I've ever seen you without make-up," she says and squints at me. "Although that lovely bruising could count as some."

I palm my aching cheek and groan. "What time is it?" My voice is hoarse, and my throat feels like someone stepped on it.

"It's midday," Greece says chirply and takes the bottle to the vanity. "Harwal was here for a moment and said that the two Atorus are awake."

I grumble and rub my face. The kitty rolls off my chest onto my lap and stares at me. I pet her, and she rubs on my hand in return. "Does that have something to do with us?"

"Harwal said that they have something to say. Apparently, the drug is out of their system. I already ordered them food, and for your hungover-ass."

I massage my temples, feeling a slight headache. "Let me wash my face and clear the fog.

"I'll pour you coffee," she says chipperly.

I trudge past her and shake my head. "You're the one usually with a hangover. Why are you yelling? You hate it when we do it."

She laughs louder to grate my ears, so I get to washing my face.

"Hey," Greece says with an amused tone and leans on the doorway. "The big guy asked if you're alright."

"And?" I ask and pad my face dry, then I sit on the toilet. Greece takes it as an invitation to come lean on the sink for some reason. "Can't I have privacy?"

"No," she says and sips her mug. "Aren't you curious?"

I sigh. "About what? I just woke up."

"What he asked."

"If I'm alright?" I repeat her earlier words and flush. "Honestly, right now, I care about brushing my teeth and coffee." I push Greece from my way and start scrubbing my hands, trying not to pay mind to the glaring glitter on them.

"There's no toothbrushes here. Anyway, he almost insisted on checking up on you when I said you got wasted," she says with a dreamy sigh. "But I couldn't let him see you looking like...that."

I dry my hands drowsily and turn to the mirror and wince. My face is swollen, and the red on my cheek is now purplish, just like Greece's. My neck is also a mess, but I'm not going to inspect it further.

"Thanks..." I mumble and get past her to get myself coffee, as Greece took the one she said she would pour for me. "We don't have makeup here if that's what you're asking."

"No, well, yeah, but I was wondering if we could get a scarf or something for you at least. Your neck is fucked. Were you... well obviously you were, the prints on you are horrible. I feel responsible."

I bob my head up and down to her ramblings, not wanting to expand on what happened. "So what do the Atorus want with us?"

"I don't know," she says and pushes a bowl with rice and a fried egg in front of me. "Eat, I'll go find a scarf."

I sit on the vanity's chair. The kitty jumps up on the table next to my food and stares at me with big gooey eyes. "You can eat. I can't stomach anything right now."

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