Chapter 3. Interfere

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Seungcheol jerks to the soft familiar voice of his son. He looks to his left to see hanuel standing in front of him a bunny stuff toy held close to his chest. "Baby!" Seungcheol cries as he runs to embrace his son who wraps his small hands around seungcheol's neck confused.

Seungcheol holds his son tightly, feeling a mix of relief and overwhelming emotions. "I missed you so much, Hanuel," he whispers, his voice choked with tears. Hanuel looks up at his father, his innocent eyes searching for answers.

"Baby, where did you go? With whom did you go?" Seungcheol bombarded his son with the questions as he held his son close to himself. "I went to the arcade with hannie" hanuel says as points at the person behind him and seungcheol looks up to see another man standing behind hanuel. He missed the presence of another man when he saw his son safe and sound infront of him.

Seungcheol's heart skipped a beat as he realized there was someone else with his son. His protective instincts kicked in, and he tightened his grip on Hanuel. "Who are you?" Seungcheol demanded, his voice filled with concern and a hint of anger.

The stranger steps forward and seungcheol lets his eyes trace over his soft yet masculine features. The man had hairs that ended right below his ears and his soft yet sharp jaw was definitely eye-catching. Going above to the rosy cheeks and the deep eyes, seungcheol averts his eyes to not to stare.

"Im Jeonghan, your neighbour" the man says and seungcheol nods his head. "Why did you take my son away without my permission?" Seungcheol questions with the sense of insecurity for his son still bubbling inside him and Jeonghan scoffs at him.

Did he just---

"Oh well, your son was alone in your house with a broken vase that could hurt him! How are you so careless huh?" Jeonghan asks before he could even stop himself. 

Seungcheol's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized the truth in Jeonghan's words. He had been so caught up in his own worries and frustrations that he had neglected to ensure his son's safety. Guilt washed over him, and he felt a pang of regret for his careless actions.

"I... I didn't mean to be careless," Seungcheol stammered, his voice filled with remorse. "I've just been going through a lot lately, and I guess I let it cloud my judgment. I'm really sorry."

"Whatever you are going through shouldn't reach till your kid mister and i hope you have atleast some knowledge about parenting.." Jeonghan says.

"Don't you teach me about parenting --"

"But looking at your actions it seems as if you need a start up lessons on parenting" Seungcheol is speechless the by the time Jeonghan finished talking.

Parenting? Was he a bad parent? But he loved hanuel more than anything in this world---

"Giving your child money and a luxurious life is not parenting"

Jeonghan continued, his voice filled with concern. "Parenting is about being there for your child, guiding them, teaching them right from wrong, and providing them with love and support. It's about being a role model and instilling values and morals in them."

Seungcheol felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He had always believed that providing for Hanuel financially was enough, but now he realized that there was so much more to being a parent. He had been so focused on his career and providing a comfortable life for his child that he had neglected the emotional aspect of parenting.

"Daddy, don't shout at hannie. He is good, he took me to the arcade" his son says and seungcheol looks at him. "Im sorry baby, daddy is sorry for yelling at you in morning" seungcheol says as he hugs his son who smiles and hugs him back. The stuff toy pressed between seungcheol and hanuel's chest.

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