Chapter 1. Iksan to Seoul

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"Yes Shua, i know the truck man will arrive at five and I'm standing in the park itself.."

The black haired mumble against his phone as he pulls up near the park that was just right outside the new apartment he was moving in.

Jeonghan, yoon Jeonghan.  A twenty-five years old kindergarten teacher who has just moved to seoul after getting promotion by working in iskan, his last work place is now moving to seoul. He is government school employee that teaches kids that are in primary and in pre-primary.

As Jeonghan parked his car, he glanced around the park, taking in the sight of children playing and families enjoying their time together. It was a peaceful scene, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness about his new life in Seoul.

He had always loved working with children, and being a kindergarten teacher was a dream come true for him. The opportunity to make a positive impact on young minds and help shape their future was something he cherished. Moving to Seoul meant new challenges and opportunities, and he was ready to embrace them.

Jeonghan had spent the past few weeks preparing for the move, packing up his belongings and saying goodbye to his friends and colleagues in Iskan. It was bittersweet, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown, but he knew it was a necessary step for his career.

The familiar ringtone of his phone pulls Jeonghan back to reality as he hurriedly pulls his phone out and picks it up.


"Mr yoon Jeonghan? This is Maedok truck delivery services, sir we are here.."

"Ah yes yes! Where exactly are you?"

"Right outside the complex building you are moving in sir"

Jeonghan frowns looking around until he sees it. As the truck pulled up, Jeonghan ended his call and thanked the driver for his assistance. Together, they unloaded his belongings and began the process of moving them into his new apartment. Jeonghan couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he stepped into his new home, ready to start this new chapter of his life in Seoul.

"Thankyou so much for your help!" Jeonghan says as he hands them the fair amount of thier wage and bids them good-bye.

"No problem sir, but the thing is...the people who were suppose to shift your things in your apartment will be a little late because of thier other work.." the man says and Jeonghan groans internally before plastering a smile over his face.

"No problem, how long?"

"About an hour sir"

Oh fuck!

"Okay" Jeonghan says and the man goes back to his truck before driving away after placing jeonghan's things outside the truck near the large compound.

"Now I can't even go upstairs cause then who will look after my things?" Jeonghan mumbles to himself as he sits beside the large swing that was right beside the compound. Jeonghan decides to make the most of his time while waiting for the movers. He takes a seat on the swing and starts swinging gently, enjoying the cool breeze and the peaceful surroundings.

Jeonghan was scrolling through his phone mindlessly when suddenly the swing moves back swiftly as if someone else also sat on the swing other than him. Jeonghan looks at the small kid who seems to around the age of ten or maybe nine, sit on the swing as he wipes his eyes harshly.

Jeonghan feels a pang of sympathy for the kid and decides to strike up a conversation. "Hey, are you okay?" he asks gently.

As a kindergarten teacher, Jeonghan has learned that one of the most effective ways to get a child to open up is by simply listening to them. Children have a natural need to be heard and paid attention to, and by actively listening to their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, Jeonghan creates a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves.

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