Prince Charles, renowned for his unwavering dedication to his family, now faces the unenviable task of reconciling the allegations that swirl around his youngest child. 

As the scandal unfolds, the resilience of familial love is put to the ultimate test. Can the bonds forged in the crucible of royal duty withstand the storm of scandal, or will the cherished relationship between a father and his only daughter be forever altered by the harsh winds of controversy? 

The weight of the news pressed down on me.I felt the world around me fade as I read the words, each sentence dragging me deeper into a whirlwind of confusion.As I  finished reading that newspaper, a chill ran down my spine. It explained why Papa had been acting weird lately, why he seemed distant. I felt a lump in my throat, and my eyes stung with tears.

"Don't act like you didn't know, princess "he sneered, his tone dripping with mockery. "We all know about your royal drama. Word is, Prince Charles isn't really your father. So, what's it like living a lie?"

I felt a pang of frustration, my face probably revealing more than I wanted. "Where do people even get this stuff? It's just a lie"

he chuckled, reveling in my discomfort. "lies? Sure, tell that to everyone whispering behind your back. You should be used to it by now"

Philip  stepped forward, their voice unwavering. "You need to back off. She doesn't need your negativity."

"Whatever. She can't hide the truth." Ronan still won't let go.

I fought back my  tears. "You don't know anything about my family or me."

He leaned in, relishing the devastation in my eyes. "Doesn't matter, does it? The world thinks you're a royal embarrassment. A fake princess."

I blinked rapidly, desperate not to let the tears escape. "You're heartless"

"Maybe. But at least I'm not living a lie," 

But my friends weren't having it anymore. They surrounded Ronan "Enough of your nonsense. Leave her alone,"  Andrew had a no nonsense tone.

he smirked and walked away, leaving me standing there, a crumbling facade of the princess everyone thought they knew.

Hey, are you okay?"Lily asked, gently placing a hand on my shoulder.

I mustered a weak smile, but my eyes betrayed the weight of the turmoil within. "I just need some time alone"

without saying another word, I hurriedly made my way out of the classroom, the heavy door muffling the echoes of the world I desperately needed to escape.The whispers trailed me as I left the classroom, haunting echoes of the confrontation and the rumors in the hallway that now clung to me like an indelible mark.

"Have you noticed? She's rarely seen in engagements unlike her brothers."

"Yes, Isn't it strange? She only accompanies them to important events unlike William and harry."

deep down, I knew they were missing the point. I didn't skip engagements because I wanted to. It was because I had a heart condition that could turn a normal day into a not-so-fun trip to the hospital.

As I quickened my pace, desperate to hide from prying eyes, an unsettling sensation clawed at my chest. A discomfort that started as a mere murmur, gradually escalated to a sharp pain, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that this time was different.I tried to brush it off, but the pain was turning into something else.Leaning against a wall, I tried to hide what was going on, but the ache had become a pounding thud, and it seemed like every eye in the hallway was on me.

As I leaned against a wall, attempting to catch my breath, a teacher, Mrs. Johnson, approached.

"Faith I've just been informed by the office that Prince Charles wants you secured until he arrives. There's been some concern about your safety. We'll try to dismiss the rumors and ensure your well-being."

Confusion mingled with the pain as I tried to process her words. The palace had intervened to keep me safe? 

she must have noticed something off, as her usual warm smile turned into a look of concern."Princess whats happening? Are you feeling okay?" she asked, her voice gentle.I nodded, but the sweat on my forehead wasn't helping my case. The pain spread like wildfire through my whole body. I grabbed my chest, feeling the pain throb with every beat of my heart.

I feel like a warm liquid tickle down my nose making it harder to breathe. Panic gripped me, mirrored by the wide-eyed expressions of everyone who were there.Then a searing pain shoot up into my head that made me clutch my head, trying to stop the pounding agony. "Please, just stop," I begged, feeling like the world was spinning out of control. I gasped for air, my vision dimming, and finally my body gave up. I collapsed to the cold hard floor before the teacher  could even react.

"I need some help here.medical emergency in the west wing"Mrs. Anderson urgently called for medical assistance, her voice echoing through the intercom, but it felt distant, drowned out by the turmoil within.And as the world got hazier and I got weaker, the only thing I kept thinking was how much I wanted my mummy and papa to be there, to hold me tight and take away the pain, even if just for a moment.

And as the world got hazier and I got weaker, the only thing I kept thinking was how much I wanted my mummy and papa to be there, to hold me tight and take away the pain, even if just for a moment

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another updateee! hehe would you still read this story if I keep putting up new chapters everyday like this?

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