14- You tell me(TW)

462 7 1

Words: 1074
TW: homophobia, bullying, slight violence, language

Y/n is bullied in her University and the Doctor helps her out

Y/n wonders if people are ever going to be nice to her. Wherever she goes she hears, 'Are you a girl or a boy?' or 'You're not womanly enough'. She always gets bullied for wearing, as people say, 'boy clothes'. If she's comfortable then no one should have a problem with it but bullies always come in the way.

"You're leaving?", Rose asked Y/n who was packing her things in a bag. "Yes, I really don't want to deal with them", Y/n sighed in frustration. She took her bag and started walking out. "Y/n...you need to do something about this. Fight back or complain!", Rose suggested as she walked with her.

"Yes I am...ignoring them", Y/n lied and walked out of the campus gate. Rose stopped as she looked behind Y/n. They were here. "How's our colourful couple huh?", a boy asked as he came near along with two other guys. Firstly, it was just Y/n who got bullied but now they were dragging Rose in and Y/n didn't like it.

"Better then you colourless lot", Y/n turned and smiled. She has always ignored them but today she fought back because of Rose. "Ohhh, you can talk now?", the boy sang and came closer to Y/n to which she didn't budge. Rose pulled her hand but Y/n didn't move.

"Stay away from us and fuck off", Y/n warned and turned back to leave but the guy grabbed her hand and pulled her back, making her fall. Rose rushed towards Y/n but the other guys held her back. Y/n immediately stood up and punched the guy in the face. Rose was shocked at this.

"You bitch!", the guy stood up from the ground and punched Y/n back. Rose tried to intervene but she was being held back. Y/n's hand shot to her nose and she found blood. When she looked back up, she was punched again. And that made her dizzy. Never even once she had thought this would happen.

Then, a familiar voice was heard, "Hey! Get away from them!", it was the Doctor. He came running towards the scene and in an instant, the bullies ran away. Rose immediately rushed to a knocked out Y/n on the ground and made her sit up. Y/n had clutched her nose as it was paining.

The Doctor glanced at Y/n and Rose, both on the ground. He crouched down to see that Y/n's nose was bleeding. He cupped her face, tilting her head back he said, "Don't breath from your nose, try breathing from your mouth". Y/n did as she was told and Rose helped.

"You better tell me what the hell happened?", the Doctor questioned the two as he took out a cloth and pressed it under Y/n's nose. No one said a word. After a while, the bleeding stopped but Y/n's eyes were still watering. She removed the cloth from her face and sighed.

"I punched a guy...he punched back", Y/n exhaled and kept her head low. The Doctor obviously didn't believe it. He knows that Y/n is a very smart and mischievous kid but she can't punch anyone without any reason. "What did he do that made you punch him?", he asked knowing that wasn't it.

When Y/n didn't speak, Rose decided to explain, "She's being bullied by some guys for a while. They call her things like not being womanly enough just because she doesn't wear girly clothes and I've seen them push her too but she never fights back. Until today when they were being mean to me".

"Rose, it's ok if it's me. I don't want you to get bullied, you already face homophobes and I don't want you to have more trouble", Y/n explained. The Doctor sighed again. "Are you serious Y/n?", Rose complained. Y/n didn't say anything. The Doctor sat down with them and explained.

"Y/n it's not ok if it's you. What is wrong is wrong. If I wouldn't have showed to pick you guys up, I wouldn't have found out". "And you would have had more punches", Rose added. "Y/n, listen to me. We'll deal with this, properly. No need for punches or taking punches yes?", the Doctor asked and held out his hand.

Y/n thought for a while and accepted his hand. "Yes", she nodded. "And none of you will get bullied. I'll handle it myself and...if those boys ever cause any trouble, you tell me", the Doctor instructed. The Doctor and Rose helped Y/n up and made way to the TARDIS.

"You brought the TARDIS to get us home from college?", Rose raised her eyebrows. "I lost the car keys", he replied and they all went inside. The moment they came in, a cool wave washed over them. It really was nippy in the TARDIS. Rose threw her bag and walked around the ramps of the TARDIS while Y/n went to the console.

In the white TARDIS light, the Doctor could see the forming bruise on Y/n's cheek which she was oblivious to. He stepped towards her and said, "You have a bruise", he said pointing to his own cheek to show her. She copied his action and touched it resulting in a painful expression.

"I wish I punched him harder", Y/n expressed. The Doctor's expression changed, "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. Does it hurt?", he asked. "A bit, but I'll be ok", Y/n assured. The Doctor slowly hugged her. "No cuddles without me", Rose chirped and joined in the hug.

They all stayed like that for a while until they were all broken apart by a sudden movement of the TARDIS. The Doctor rushed the the console while Rose and Y/n clutched to the railing. "Oh no no no no", the Doctor shouted as the TARDIS jerked again.

"Looks like we have done the setting wrong. I'm sorry but get ready for an adventure!", the Doctor shouted again and everything started moving. The lights kept on changing as the TARDIS spiralled across the space leading Rose, Y/n and the Doctor to Lord knows where.

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