10- You've drank it too

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Words: 1262

Y/n and the Doctor go to an alien bar and end up getting spiked

"Oh this feels nice!", Y/n shouted as she and the Doctor entered the bar with loud alien music playing. She nodded and walked further to explore. The Doctor followed. They were on a weird planet that was famous only for its ecstatic partying. No one knew why.

"Is it ok to eat here?!", Y/n exclaimed again. It was actually too loud. "Yeah sure, food looks...fine so far", he shouted back and took a seat next to her. The menu was a weird video menu, one where there was a person inside who face timed directly from the kitchen to make things faster.

Y/n read the menu carefully, not understanding much of it but still went for 'Green Mishtoosh'. She had absolutely no idea so she asked the Doctor and he surprisingly agreed to have it. She gave the order to the guy in the menu and they both waited.

Just as the screen went off, someone came tumbling in the bar. The guy or maybe an alien looked drunk, he went to the counter and ordered for something. "See now that's what we don't need to become while we're here", the Doctor pointed at him and laughed making Y/n do the same.

"I never thought aliens could get this drunk", she continued raising her eyebrow. This made the Doctor frown. "Oh this is just a glimpse Y/n", the Doctor sassed and made faces which made Y/n burst out in laughter. After a while of judging all the aliens in the bar and respectfully making fun of them, their order arrived.

They were happy that they ordered just one because the size of the plate was almost exceeding the table. "This is a lot...", Y/n exclaimed. The Doctor shrugged and started digging in. After both of their first bites, they actually liked it. Luckily it wasn't gooey like the other foods they've had before.

"This is nice and-", and before Y/n could finish a dancing crowd bursted inside. They kept on coming and filled the whole place. "That's a lot of people", the Doctor frowned but kept on eating. They had no idea that the Mishtoosh was alcoholic that's why they were constantly eating it.

Y/n kept on humming in amazement and the Doctor's head was bouncing at the music. The Doctor started noticing that Y/n was behaving oddly and scanned the menu. "Ohh I should have checked", he whined in frustration as he read 'alcoholic'. "Y/n, stop eating", he spoke to Y/n...who wasn't there.

"Y/n?", he called out but couldn't see her among the people. He sighed and entered the crowd in search for her. While Y/n was at the counter ordering drinks, the same guy who tumbled inside a while ago came up to her and offered her a glowy drink. "It's traditional", he said handing her the cup and fled.

Y/n downed it in one go and immediately started feeling funny. She felt everything spinning and turning colourful and saw waves going up and down people. She swayed a bit and made her way in the crowd. Somehow she felt better and started dancing.

The Doctor was made to drink the same glowy drink and tried to keep himself under control but then again, it was very strong. He lost his balance because of the influence and bumped into someone. He could just see waves and colours but soon noticed it was a woman and she looked pissed. Then within seconds, a bigger man approached and grabbed the Doctor.

The man spoke something the Doctor didn't understand, and threw him across the table. When he landed, he hit his head somewhere and that seemed to kick some sense into him. Suddenly, everything started going back to normal. He could see properly and there weren't any waves.

"Y/n...", he grunted and rubbed his head where it hurt. "Oh Y/n!", he realised and fled to find her. After a while of dancing, Y/n was now finding it hard to walk or even stand. She leaned in the crowd to keep herself straight and heard someone call out to her. She knew it was the Doctor because no one else here knows her.

"Doctor!", she shouted back and turned around to look for him. She was still seeing the waves and colours, they didn't stop. It was so crowded that she had to touch everyone to get herself through. She finally exited the crowd and reached the exit of the bar where it was a bit empty.

She fell in an instant when she tried to walk without leaning on people, breaking 2 or 3 glasses on the way. Luckily Y/n's face wasn't planted in the ground but it still hurt her elbow. And then she just sat there. She knew if she moved, she's going to fall again so instead she waited.

She caught someone's attention by breaking the glasses. It was the Doctor. He heard glass shattering nearby and immediately went to check what it was about because everyone else was busy dancing. He pushed through the crowd and came outside to find Y/n sitting on the floor.

"Doctor...you look so...colorful", Y/n chirped as he crouched in front of her. "Oh you've drank it too", the Doctor sighed. "Why are you sitting here?", he asked further trying to find her droopy eyes. "I fell", she breathed out. He cupped her face and asked, "Are you hurt?", "Yeahhhh...my elbow", she sang and leaned in his touch smiling.

"Come on, I have the exact detox for you", he spoke and lifted her up. She completely leaned on him and kept on speaking gibberish. "You know...one of the... guys...told me the...they were colourblind... that's why...", she stopped speaking and burped.

"That's why they made those drinks", the Doctor raised his eyebrows. "Smart", Y/n spoke and started laughing. The Doctor held her carefully so that she doesn't fall again. They reached the TARDIS and slowly went inside. The Doctor made her sit down on the floor so that she doesn't fall off the chair... again.

"I'll be right back", the Doctor ensured. He went inside to make the detox; he had already scanned everything that was there in the Mishtoosh and the glowy drink. He made it within a minute and when he went back to Y/n, she had already passed out. He placed the 2 glasses of detox aside and nudged her.

"Hey, wake up. Drink this", he helped her up and handed her one of the glasses. She squinted at it and said, "It's not colourful". "But it's better, drink up now", he insisted and forced the glass to her mouth. She drank it and scrunched her face, the Doctor doing the same.

"It's horrible", she spoke and the Doctor nodded, "Yeah". He took the glasses away and kept them in the kitchen. He came back and helped her up again. "I want to sleep", she huffed as she kept a tight hold on his arm. They both reached Y/n's room and she immediately jumped on the bed.

She removed her shoes and tossed them away. The Doctor removed his suit and shoes and followed her in bed. She instantly shifted towards him and let herself sprawl over him. The Doctor chuckled and let her. "Sleep well sunshine", he whispered and closed his eyes.

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