10- You are so loved (TW)

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TW: suicidal thoughts, self-injury

Y/n has a breakdown and the Doctor helps her calm down

It was a nice day. There was no running, no aliens trying to take over the universe, no Daleks or Angels. Everything was fine. Y/n was back at her place. She fell and injured herself in her last trip and was strictly told to rest by the Doctor. She was resting but there was this feeling in her that said something was wrong.

The first thing she thought about was the Doctor. Was he ok? Is the universe secretly messaging her that he needs help? She kept the thoughts aside thinking it's nothing. She took her medication on time as it was a foot injury and somehow it still hurt.

It's been 5 days and she hasn't healed yet. Y/n so badly wanted to go on an adventure but sadly couldn't. Everyday she woke up, did her morning routine, took her medication with tea and breakfast, working from home and...rest. Y/n was done. She was having tea when she got a phone call.

"Hello?", Y/n answered the unknown number. "Is this Y/n L/n?", a lady spoke to which Y/n replied yes. "I'm sorry to tell you but the council has rejected your story", the lady revealed. Y/n's heart sank, she had worked really hard on it. "What? Can't they reconsider?", she asked back.

"I'm afraid not", the lady spoke and hung up before Y/n could say anything. She sighed and went back to her room in search of the book she'd proposed. She read through some of the pages again thinking that she has done something wrong. But nothing was wrong with her story.

Her phone rang again and she carefully walked to it. She didn't see who is was in the hurry of it and suddenly a voice boomed, "Y/n, you haven't paid the bill. For God's sake do something right! You're not going to get anywhere with that stupid story of yours, it's not going to pay you", her mother taunted.

Y/n froze in her spot as her mother insulted her. She has never been happy with anything Y/n did. She gripped the table tightly as the words cut through her ears. She began to cry silently so that her mother doesn't give a hearing on that too. Then Y/n started shaking and sniffing.

"Seriously Y/n. You're going to regret this!", he mother spoke at last and hung up. Firstly, he lost an opportunity in the competition and secondly her toxic mother added the fuel on it. This made Y/n hate herself more. She kept the phone on the table and slowly went to her room.

She locked the door on the way so that no one could enter...if there was anyone who cared. She was doing her best and somehow that never worked. She has sacrificed so much for her family but none seem to care. Blood, sweat and tears all given, but for what?

When she walked in her room, she bumped into her dresser on the foot that was already injured. She fell on her knees and clutched her feet, hissing in pain. And then she cried until she was out of breath, cursing herself for being this way.

Suddenly, Y/n shot up and started throwing things around, books, pictures and what not. Then she punched the wall, she kept on punching until her knuckles were bruised and finally...she dropped down. She shifted into a corner of her room and held her heads in her hands.

Meanwhile, the Doctor had just returned in the TARDIS when he got a distressed message on his psychic paper. It was Y/n, he knew it just by the words. Immediately, he rooted for her house and reached within seconds. He rushed inside her house, the door was open. She never leaves it open he thought.

"Y/n?!", he called but she didn't reply. He walked in and saw her phone on the table and a cup of half drunk tea. She was home so where was she? "Y/n where are you?", he asked. No one answered. And then he went to her room. "Y/n?", he tried to open the door but it was locked.

Fear crept under his skin as he thought about the reason why people lock doors. It worried him more as she was the one in distress. At once, he pulled out his sonic and quickly rushed in the room. At first, there was no sign of her then he gazed around and saw her glued to a corner.

The room looked dishevelled like her own state. Y/n was hugging her knees and hiding her face, still crying. The Doctor went closer and crouched down to her, slowly placing his hands on her shaking shoulders. Her head shot up at the touch.

"What happened?", he asked without leaving her eyes. She stopped crying just for a moment she saw his face. "Doctor...", she stuttered and her eyes welled up again. His hearts ached at the sight of her. "I don't want to do this anymore!", Y/n begged as her head fell low again.

"Hey, hey Y/n, you're not giving up. Never ever think of that", the Doctor stated pulling her to his chest. She held onto him so tight like he was going to disappear. No one else believed in her or cared for her, but the Doctor always did. Y/n pulled herself back and instantly took his hands in hers.

That's when he saw the bruises. Before Y/n could speak he interrupted, "Y/n? Why did you do this? Y/n I care about you, your well being and everything about you. Hurting yourself is not going to solve it", he explained with sad eyes. It broke him to see her like this. How could someone feel something so much that it makes them hurt themselves?

"I lost the job and...my mother hates me. She said I don't deserve anything", Y/n whispered to him. How dare she say that to Y/n. He read the expression on her face that said she accepted it. He instantly cupped her face and focused on her eyes which were low from guilt, so he raised her head.

He kissed her knuckles and spoke, "Y/n you are so loved. You're my best friend and you've been so brave. You have saved and inspired so many people across the universe. They love you...if not your mother. I love you and without you I don't know what I would do Y/n", he assured.

"But Doctor...", Y/n tried to explain but he stopped her. "No buts Y/n. You don't know how many good things you deserve. You don't know how important you are. In this vast universe, you deserve every star", the Doctor smiled and wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

He wrapped his arms around her again and this time, he wasn't letting go. "No one can tell you otherwise, no one", the Doctor spoke and planted a kiss on her forehead. Y/n calmed down after some time. The Doctor helped her up to her bed but she proposed cleaning the room first.

He insisted on doing it but she was the one who made it like this, so they both cleaned it. He noticed her limping and told her to sit down so that he can take a look. It wasn't healed yet. "I fell again", Y/n stated. The Doctor tilted his head in return saying, "I can't believe the number of times you fall Y/n, just like you fell from heaven".

Y/n chuckled at this. That smile put the Doctor's hearts at peace. It's been days since he saw her smile. "Wow, that came out of nowhere", she smiled again. "Well you...did come out of heaven", he retold making her laugh even more.

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