11- I'm not from here

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The Doctor meets Y/n's ghost

Everything was in chaos. The people inside the castle were running here and there, shouting, screaming for their lives. All of this was happening because of Duke Felix. He was not a nice man. He had thrown a huge party without any reason. It wasn't even Christmas but people still came.

The Doctor and Y/n were in the 1880s trying to look for a man who was sucking out people's energy and feeding it to himself. Y/n had her suspicions about the Duke and had kept an eye on him. The Doctor was quite oblivious of it because it didn't connect with what was happening.

"Ooi watch where you're going!", the Doctor shouted at someone who bumped into him. He was looking for Y/n in a massive crowd all around the castle because she had chosen to follow Duke Felix. She was hard to find as she was dressed in traditionals as everyone else.

The Doctor was also in a tuxedo as they didn't allow people below the royal class. They had sneaked in and started operating but before they could do anything everyone were attacked by some mental form of ghostly energy. Each person was running from something only they could see.

"Y/n!",the Doctor called for her in spite of the crowds screaming. "Doctor!", Y/n's voice was heard from a distance. The Doctor's head turned everywhere but he couldn't see her. "I'm up here!", she shouted again and the Doctor instantly ran up the stairs. He ran through the corridor and bumped into Y/n.

"Where were you?! Those people are running like savages and I can't see what they're running from!", the Doctor complained. Just as Y/n was about to speak she spotted the Duke taking something upstairs. "Doctor, we have to find out what the Duke is up to...look", she pointed in his direction.

The Doctor saw that he was running while hiding something in his coat but he suspected the Duchess more. "Doctor we need to go after him", Y/n said. "I think it's the Duchess", the Doctor stated making Y/n cuss internally. "Just...ok we'll do one thing. You look for the Duchess and I'll go after him", she proposed.

"No no it's not safe", the Doctor protested and grabbed Y/n's shoulders. "Doctor...the ghost energy isn't after us. We're not of this timeline remember. If it helps just call me", she explained showing him her phone. He agreed hesitantly and nodded. "Be careful Y/n", he said." You too", Y/n replied and left.

The crowd was gone and it was just utter silence now. The Doctor was facing the Duchess who had a small device in her hand. Obviously out of her time. "Well? What have you been upto?", the Doctor asked nonchalantly. "Oh nothing darling. You should ask my husband", the Duchess gave an evil smirk.

The Doctor maintained his eye contact and spoke nothing. Then she stroked the device and it made a noise in return as if it was a pet. He pointed his sonic at her and she didn't even budge. "You must know what this is then", she added. "No", the Doctor simply replied. "Let's find out", the Duchess announced and pressed the button...

She frowned sensing something went wrong and suddenly the device blasted. The Doctor's eyes widened at this and he turned to run but the blast threw him towards a wall. Instead of blood, a huge amount of energy came out of her and made a spiral that covered the whole ballroom.

The Doctor saw the green energy and smiled even though he was sure his face was hurting. The strong wind was brushing his face and making his scar sting. Then the energy started swirling itself and his smile soon faded away when he saw Y/n come out of the green.

Y/n was sparkling and shining. The Doctor was sure it was Y/n but there was something different about her. "Y/n?", he asked unsure. "Yes", she answered and smiled. It was like he was hypnotized by her. He walked towards her like they were both magnets. He slowly stretched his arm and cupped her face.

Her skin felt the same like all the times he held her, soft and warm. "How?", he couldn't help but ask. She leaned on his hand and whispered, "I'm not from here Doctor". The green smoke was swirling around them getting closer by the second. He frowned and asked, "Are you real?".

"Yes...but I'm already gone", she spoke. Whatever she was saying wasn't making sense but here he was. "What?", he was so confused and at the same time was pulled towards her. She slowly walked backwards but kept her eyes locked with his. "I'm a ghost from her future", she whispered.

"I died", she mumbled and walked to the stairs leaving the Doctor distraught. The Doctor's mind went hazy at the thought of Y/n dying. She was also wearing the same black dress as of now. Hot tears fell from his eyes as he subconsciously stretched his hand towards her. She kept on walking away and the Doctor couldn't move. He cried.

Y/n reached the top of the grand stairs and the green smoke started fading. He was so under the influence that he could only walk one step ahead still stretching his hand for her. Finally, she turned around one last time and said, "Goodbye Doctor". He saw her run away and disappear into thin air...like a ghost.

The smoke settled and there he stood frozen looking at the wall where Y/n disappeared. Curtains were on fire, the chandelier was swinging on the verge of falling. Just as it was about to fall down, he was pulled to reality by Y/n's real voice. Someone pulled him back and he saw it was Y/n. The real Y/n, alive.

"Doctor? Are you ok?!", she asked when she saw how shaken up he was. He had a cut on his face and his eyes were filled with tears. "Doctor?", she asked again and the Doctor just stared at her like she came out of the dead. He cupped her face and wrapped his arms around her.

"You're ok", he cried in her neck. "Yes I am", Y/n replied confusingly. "I told you it was the Duke. I just don't know how he just...blasted", she continued. She wanted the Doctor to know that everything was alright. He faced her again and smiled. "Doctor what's wrong tell me", she knew him too well.

"Nothing...I was just worried about you", he lied. The Doctor was now actually worried as to how Y/n's ghost came here from her future and told him that she... He ignored that thought and took the real Y/n's hand and went back to the TARDIS. "I'll patch you up", she told him and disappeared into the TARDIS hallways just like Y/n's ghost.

It will forever remain a mystery.

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