12- Running is better

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Words: 1014

Y/n and the Doctor are handcuffed with each other

The Doctor was irritated because he lost his screwdriver and the TARDIS was missing and on top of that he was handcuffed with Y/n. "I'm not enjoying this you know", he complained grumpily. Y/n turned to face him like a blow of a wind. "Neither am I you grump!", she frustrated. It's just been 15 minutes of them being accidentally cuffed together and the man who did this ran away and now they have to find him.

It was going to be dark soon and the weather was cold. They were both sitting on a bench thinking of a plan on how to find the TARDIS and that stupid man whose name they didn't know. Y/n started stretching her head and spun it around out of boredom and that's when she noticed...Their pictures were on the screen.

The Doctor and Y/n were wanted. That's what was being shown on the screen. "Doctor!", she suddenly pointed her hand at the screen making the Doctor's hand too. "Will you please co-operate!", he spoke and turned to where she was pointing. His eyebrows frowned in confusion. He was used to things like this but not his companions.

He didn't like it when he saw Y/n's name boldly written after the word 'wanted'. "We didn't even do anything...did we?", Y/n asked him so he looked back at her. "That man is in deep trouble. I bet he gave these pictures to the police. Let's move before we get arrested", the Doctor said taking Y/n's hand. They started walking in hopes to find that man.

"Hey! You there, hands behind your back!", a policeman shouted from behind them. The Doctor instantly pulled Y/n's hand and started running and the police followed. They kept on running until they reached a closed gate in some alleyway. Y/n quickly climbed the wall and jumped on the other side while the Doctor struggled with his hand. "Come on", she told him and kept her hand up so that he could climb properly.

"I can't do that! Running is better", he spoke not wanting to climb a wall as if it was a cheap thing to do. "Doctor, there is no other way. We're stuck together, come on you're not that old", she smiled and praised him. He slipped a bit but climbed up eventually with Y/n's help and again they both ran out of the police's catch.

They hid behind a dustbin and waited for the police car to leave. It left soon and they both relaxed. "We need to lay low, it's not safe for you", he said to Y/n. She simply nodded. It was getting colder by the minute and the Doctor and Y/n had nowhere else to go rather then wandering the streets.

Clank! A noise was heard from ahead. Y/n was already on guard but found that it was nothing to worry about because it was some drunk guy stumbling by. But wait! It was that man. That stupid man. "Doctor! The stupid man!", Y/n pointed with her other hand to avoid another argument with the Doctor. They both sprinted towards him before he could escape.

"Open these cuffs right now!", the Doctor demanded by pulling his collar but that man looked like he was out of it. "What'r you sayin??", he slurred. "I said open the cuffs!", the Doctor yelled as he held him from falling. "I dunno what'r ya talk about", he tried to change the topic.

"Are you doing it or not?!", Y/n shouted and grabbed his collars tightly. "Shut up girl", the man said and this made Y/n lose her patience. She punched him hard on his face and he instantly passed out. The Doctor's eyes widened as he saw this happen. She was breathing heavily as she was filled with anger and frustration.

"Y/n calm down, we got him", the Doctor comforted her. "Yeah ok", she replied and took a deep breath. After she came back to normal she asked, "What now?". "Now that we are already wanted, let's do some real crime", the Doctor spoke and gestured towards the stupid man.

They both checked his pockets and bag to find any clue and guess what...they found the sonic screwdriver. "Oh you didn't", the Doctor cussed at him. At first he unlocked the cuffs from both of their hands and secondly he sent a message to the TARDIS to materialize nearby.

"Doctor look, he was the one who sent our pictures to the media. But why?", Y/n said as she found pictures of her and the Doctor from his bag. "To get some attention as we are so famous for saving the world", the Doctor continued, "I've sent a message to the TARDIS, she will be here soon".

"But we are still on the news", Y/n reported and raised her eyebrows in question. "We're on another planet, it's fine they will forget", the Doctor shrugged. "Alright...I just need to do one more thing", Y/n spoke and handcuffed the stupid man. She then took his bag and fetched out a red marker and wrote 'THEIF' on that man's forehead.

"That should do it", Y/n stated and dusted her hands. The Doctor smiled wickedly at her but then asked, "So we just leave him in the middle of the street". "Yes", she replied instantly. And after a while they heard the wheezing sound of the TARDIS and proceeded in that direction. Even when they didn't have cuffs on they were still holding hands.

"You've become like me, grumpy", the Doctor told Y/n. She smiled and said, "Oh I was always like this. You might have made me worse". He laughed and flipped his screwdriver as they both went inside the TARDIS. "Finally, home", he exhaled. He went around the console flipping switches and pushing buttons. "Where to next?", he asked her. "Somewhere we aren't wanted", she laughed.

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