14- Why are you scared?: Part 2(TW)

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Words: 1317
TW:talks of suicide

So that is where he went. The Doctor followed the shadow because he was sure that it was Y/n and she was going to do the mischief he was waiting for. He followed her to the first floor, it was more crowded there. And again he lost track of Y/n's shadow.

He internally cussed himself but didn't stop looking. Soon he noticed that the first floor was the main spot for statues. He gazed around himself and saw people gathering near statues, taking pictures and cheering for who knows what. Suddenly, his ears caught a small sound.

The sound of something falling. At first he thought a statue must have fallen because of the number of people here but...it was just Y/n. Her camera had fallen. He squinted his eyes to see better and spotted her standing in front of a broken statue. He carefully observed her and saw that she wasn't moving.

He actually couldn't tell the difference between her and the statue because she was too still. He walked to her and stood next to her. "Quite marvelous isn't it?", he hinted as he pondered the statue in front. There was no reply from Y/n so he turned.

Her eyes were unblinking and her body looked like it had paused. The Doctor frowned and asked, "Y/n?", again there was no response. She was frozen. The Doctor then pulled out his sonic and scanned her for any sign of her being an angel, but the readings didn't give a result.

He came face to face with her and blinked. She didn't move so he blinked again and again and again. No movement. The Doctor didn't like this, not knowing what was happening he just got more confused. What's wrong with her? He snapped his fingers and clapped his hands but she didn't react.

He then remembered about what happened earlier, when her eyes turned grey. At the moment they weren't and he assumed that she was having some kind of a vision or maybe an episode. The Doctor cautiously stepped nearer and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

He focused on her eyes, they were glassy and unmoving. It was like she was a statue with skin and bones. Without wasting another moment, he placed his slender fingers on her temple and closed his eyes. He was now in her head...

The Doctor was standing in a mansion and in front of him he could see Y/n frantically shutting all the windows and doors while it stormed heavily outside. Once everything was closed, a loud noise was heard from outside. Y/n turned towards the door and saw the Doctor standing there.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?", she asked the Doctor and rushed to block the door. Someone was knocking the hell out of it. "Telepathy", the Doctor answered and watched her stacking things in front of the door. "Who's that may I ask?", he inquired.

"They're going to kill me!", she shouted and stopped suddenly. The knocking had stopped. It was dead quiet but in the next moment, the door blasted open and flew on her and the Doctor. The rain and the wind stormed inside the mansion and everything started falling apart. "No!", Y/n screamed and everything went black.

The Doctor woke up from a grave, covered in dirt. He spat out some and stood up only to find a weeping angel in front of him. But...it looked different. Half its parts were human, the hand and...the face. His eyes grew in size as he saw who it was. Y/n was half angel, half human. How?

For some reason, she looked sad. He brushed her face and the angel began to shake. The stone parts broke off her and Y/n came out. She fell on her knees and gasped for breath. The Doctor followed her down and stretched out his hand to which she flinched.

When she saw the Doctor, all she could do was cry. "I'm sorry, I can't do anything properly. I'm so sorry for being such a bad person... please don't do this to me...", Y/n cried holding onto his hand for life. "Who did this to you? Tell me Y/n", the Doctor asked as he cupped her face which was starting to crack again.

"They will turn me into angels again, it's my punishment and...I can't even do that right. I don't know what's happening", she cried. He immediately pulled her in and wrapped his arms around her as she continued sobbing. Suddenly she started turning back into an angel and pushed the Doctor away.

"It's happening...no stay away!", Y/n panicked as she stepped away from him. He tried to talk to her but she kept walking backwards. Before he could help her, she fell from the cliff, "Noo!", the Doctor yowled as he saw her angel break into pieces...then it turned black again.

They both parted as they came back to reality. As if on cue, the crowd in the museum cheered but Y/n and the Doctor couldn't care less. "You were in my head", Y/n broke the silence. The Doctor nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm sorry but I wanted to know what was wrong with you".

"Everything is wrong with me", she sighed in frustration. "I can help you", he revealed and crouched to get her camera. He held it out to her asking for her approval and she accepted. "Ok", Y/n stated. The Doctor took her to the TARDIS and this time she wasn't afraid of her, or him.

He opened the door for her and they both walked inside. Y/n stopped by the console and directly came to the point. "I know it's bigger inside, I've seen her in my visions and nightmares", she explained and the Doctor nodded.

She then continued, "I was...a weeping angel, I was punished for something I didn't know about. The mansion you saw, that was where I was abducted from. After that I malfunctioned? I was in between like...part angel". The Doctor listened to her carefully.

"One day, I woke up on a hill and found my way here, got a job, a house. Donna helped a lot and Wilfred always supported me. But the visions and nightmares never left. I pause, lose touch of reality and...run away. I'm so tired, sometimes I wish I should just kill myself ", she expressed sadly.

The Doctor's expression softened. "Kill yourself? What will that do?", he argued and stepped closer to her. She only lowered her head. "I'm tired Doctor...", she whispered with teary eyes. "No Y/n. Death is never the answer. I will help you, only if you let me. You look after Wilf and take care of Donna, allow me to do the same for you", the Doctor explained.

"You'll make it go away?", Y/n asked with hope in her voice. The Doctor nodded and took her hand, "I promise. It will be ok", he reassured her. "Now, let's go back home before they actually start thinking I'm on Mars", he smiled and worked the console.

Y/n stood at one place. He noticed and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone". Y/n smiled. The TARDIS materialised in Donna's backyard and they both walked out. The pair walked inside one after the other so that the family didn't think they came together.

Just in time for dinner. Plates were already set and Wilfred was finally awake. Everyone greeted the Doctor followed by Y/n. Her smile reached her eyes the moment she saw Wilf filling his mouth with pasta. She sat next to him and helped pass the food around. The Doctor began with yet another story and everyone rejoiced in delight.

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