10- Aren't you cold?

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Words: 1552

Y/n saves the Ood selflessly and the Doctor is worried but proud of her

"What is Ood?", Y/n asked while reading a book. The Doctor saw her reading from one of his diaries. He removed his glasses and answered, "Ood is an alien species born to... serve. I like them a lot". Y/n raised an eyebrow and asked further, "Serve who?". The Doctor thought for a moment and said, "Anyone I think, but if they get in the wrong hands...that usually doesn't end well".

"Can we meet them? How do they look like? Are they purple?", Y/n kept on asking after closing the book and following the Doctor's movements by the console. "Please...I want to know", Y/n pleaded with puppy eyes, to which he couldn't say no. "Alright, alright. But no mischief ", the Doctor warned as he playfully pointed his finger at her.

He set the location for Oodsphere and turned the lever. The TARDIS started humming and took them to the destination. "Now you better get yourself warm, it will be very cold for you", the Doctor implied as the TARDIS landed. Y/n nodded and excitedly ran inside to change.

She changed into a sweater with a long coat and a colorful striped scarf that looked worn. Y/n was really excited to meet the Oodkind so she ran outside to the console room in a hurry to go out and see them. "Where'd you get the scarf?", the Doctor inquired raising his eyebrow remembering that it was the scarf his previous self wore.

"It was lying on the floor", she replied and frowned. "It doesn't match with your clothes", the Doctor said. "It's ok, I like mismatched clothes", Y/n spoke and walked to open the door. The Doctor grabbed his coat and followed. The moment they stepped outside, they were greeted with cold and chilling winds.

In an instant, Y/n started rubbing her arms and shivered. The snow fell on her head as if it was powdered sugar garnished on a cupcake. That's what the Doctor thought she looked like when he turned towards her. "Told you so", he hinted and rubbed her back. She almost latched herself to him as they walked further.

Not a lot was visible but just large snowy mountains and ice all over. After walking for another 10 mins, they came across a view of something that looked like a village. It was far but they had to get shelter or else they would get snowed in. "Come on, we can do this", the Doctor assured as he kept hold of Y/n's arm.

And then something caught her eye. She immediately turned to her right to see what it was. "What is it?", the Doctor asked as she stopped. She kept on staring in the snow and then she saw a figure. It was what she assumed an Ood because they were on their planet.

"Is that an Ood?", she pointed at the figure asking the Doctor. He followed her eyes and saw that it was an Ood...and it was walking as if it was drunk. Y/n instantly ran off in the direction despite of the cold winds. When she reached the so called Ood, she saw it was bleeding. It dropped on it's knees and before it's head his the snowy ground, Y/n cushioned it.

She saw how the noodle like things came out of its mouth and it's huge eyes that looked sad now. Y/n then noticed something in its hand, a ball that looked broken. The Ood was holding it for its life and she didn't take it away as she thought it was of importance to it.

The Doctor came running after her, somehow she reached faster. "Doctor! We need to save him", Y/n boomed as soon as she saw the Doctor. He took out his stethoscope and checked. "It's alive for now...if we don't...", the Doctor warned. Y/n immediately removed her coat and placed it on the Ood.

"Y/n...", "You might be known as a Doctor but I am better", she interrupted and tore some part of her sweater. She folded it and placed it on the open wound it had. "Do you have some tape?", she held out a hand. The Doctor was frozen at whatever Y/n was doing. It was completely selfless for a human to give away their jacket to a strange alien that they don't even know.

"Doctor! Tape?!", Y/n spoke more loudly and it brought him out of his trance. He put his hands in his pocket and surprisingly he had tape. He gave the roll to her and observed in awe. "Hold this please", she instructed and made place for him to sit. The Doctor quickly moved next to her and got to work.

She tore off the tape and plastered the piece of cloth to the Ood to stop the bleeding and it did. She then saw the ball in it's hand and felt the urge to fix that too...but then she noticed that it was connected to the Ood. "Doctor? What's this?", Y/n asked by lightly touching the sphere.

"The Ood are born with their heart in their hands. It's their heart, in the sphere", he explained. She raised her eyebrows in fascination and said, "It's connected to their mouth so...they speak from the sphere?", she asked with light in her eyes.

The Doctor nodded and Y/n smiled, but her smile faded away as she remembered that they still had to save him. "We need to get him to that village and treat him properly. His sphere is also broken so he might not be able to speak again and he'll be cold too", Y/n blurted out.

"Aren't you cold?", the Doctor asked and it brought her attention to him. She looked offended. "Doctor...he might be dying and you're worried if I'm cold?", she taunted in anger. "Don't you think if they live on a cold planet, they must be used to it...", his reply shut her off but she was still mad.

"So what, he's still injured. We need to get help", Y/n spoke as she breathed out cold air. The Doctor noticed and started rubbing her arms. She was human in this cosmic cold climate and it worried him. As he was keeping her warm he heard something. Then both of their heads turned towards a vehicle approaching.

The vehicle stopped and another Ood came out. Two Oods followed out with a stretcher and proceeded to collect the injured Ood. As they did that, the first Ood said, "Thank you for saving him. Would you like to take shelter in our village. We would like to honour you in presence of our leader".

Y/n raised her eyebrows and turned to the Doctor. He nodded and they both went with them. After a while, they reached the village and were greeted with the rest of the Oodkind. It was even more cold as they were deep inside the planet. The Doctor had given his coat to Y/n but she didn't stop shaking. He was afraid that she would get hypothermia if not given warmth.

Her nose and cheeks were red and her hands ached of the cold temperature. "I hate... being human", Y/n stuttered to the Doctor. He didn't leave her side and tried to keep her warm in all the ways possible. "We're leaving", he told the Ood present with them.

They were in a small house in the Ood village and it was way too cold here. "As you wish. We will share your deeds of bravery to our leader. We will always remember your kindness. Ood Beta will leave you to your destination, thank you Doctor and Y/n", one of the Oods thanked.

"Is he...ok?", Y/n asked as she shook in the Doctor's hold. "Yes", the Ood replied. After carefully getting Y/n in the vehicle, they arrived near the TARDIS and said their goodbyes. The moment Y/n stepped out, she began to shake even more. The Doctor snapped open the TARDIS doors and took her in immediately.

The TARDIS understood and turned up the heating. "Let's get you warm", the Doctor assured and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her shaking and rubbed her back and arms. He kept her head to his chest and stroked her head.

"You were very brave today and I am so so so proud of you Y/n. Try not to be so selfless next time yeah? I've got you... you're going to be ok", the Doctor reassured and planted a kiss on her freezing head. He kept on rubbing her back and noticed that she was asleep.

With concern still flooding through, he scanned her with his sonic and he was relieved to see that she was just getting back to normal...and was really sleepy. She absentmindedly hummed to whatever he said in her sleep. He didn't let go and fell asleep with her in his arms. Y/n has always been his cupcake with sugar garnish on her head, but for now...he wanted that cupcake to be warm.

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