King of Baldir

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Eleven years ago

It had now been a year since I left with my guards from the market. After I had spoken with the seer and she presented me with the choices, I, along with my men shed our garments and dresssed as common birds. The first week away was the hardest. At least mentally and emotionally.

We wrote letters to our families, something that was a challenge on its own. What words could I use tell my wife that I loved her with all my being? Were there any strong enough to convince her that I truly did not simply abandon her but am doing this to save not just our son but the world so that he can be a good king?

And what of my son?

In my letter, I asked not only for her forgiveness but the damn near impossible. Practically treason. I told her where she would find the clothing of ours, she and only the family of the my guards are to come to gather them. They will say to others that they want through the market because that was the last thing we had done. Upon arrival, they will be guided by a young duck that will show them throughout the stores until they are attacked. All smoke and mirrors.

All an illusion so that when our garments are found as well as our distraught families, no more inquiry on our disappearances would be needed. Our deaths would be at the hands of those who attacked my Queen and others of my kingdom. My queen would tell the kingdom how I died in a battle, specifics to be left to her. As it will be easier for her to tell the lie if she was the one who came up with it.

The more words I wrote down, the more I felt my resolve breaking. We couldn't go back now. We'd been gone too long to return without having anything to say and not having accomplished our task. So I ended the letter with another apology for having left them. Another plea for forgiveness and another reminder that I will always carry them in my heart.

Every night since then, I would be beautiful yet heart breaking dreams of my son. I would try to imagine what he would look like as he grew. Would he look more like my love or myself? I thought about it so much it nearly drove me mad until my friend helped with a few words.

"...the important thing is that he will grow up.."

After that, he bid me good night and went to bed. No longer able to keep his eyes open with me so that I wouldn't be the last to sleep but it was enough. It was the push I needed to keep going. I no longer had dreams of my son growing up. By stopping the dreams, I was able to put my mind in full focus on what needed to get done.

First things first, Geddo.

These lands were beyond untamed and yet they were not as we had been told. They were not overrun with kijod and other foul creatures. It's not to say that the forest didn't pose any danger at all. Oh no, one misstep and you could lose your way forever.

Just because it lacked what one would call monsters doesn't mean it wasn't inhabitated. There were plenty of animals living in these woods that would happily make a meal out of any bird who didn't take care. The main being snakes and some spiders.

Still, we had to push through.

Six years ago

No matter how much I try to reason with my mind, or how many times I look down to see my missing limb, I could swear by the heavens my foot is itchy.

I've even tried to scratch to where I feel the sensation thinking that maybe I could trick my mind the way it seems to be doing to me that I'm getting the itch but it's no use. The itch always comes back.

My guard says I'm lucky to even be alive. I should've been bitten in half by that monstrous caiman. He may have looked a little sickly and small for their usual size but he was vicous. Blood thirsty. We had to wait to get water from the stream so we wouldn't get caught in the crosshairs of his snapping jaws toward everyone else that came to drink.

Yet a small branch breaking from taking a step back caused the reptile to look in our direction.

He moved with incredible speed. Too much speed to be natural. It had the faintess smell of magick but it was putrid. Like meat that had spoiled.

A fraction of second slower and I would have been bitten in half surely as my guard says, but its jaws just barely caught my leg. It's teeth must've been unnaturally sharp as well because I didn't even realize I had lost my left leg until I felt myself begin to falter in my flight from the blood loss.

Had it not been for the healers in the new founded city, then surely I would have succumbed to my wound.

One year ago

"Your majesty, there's nothing more we could do. If we press on, it'll lead them back to the city and possibly..."

"There's no more need for that formality friend. I haven't been a king for quite some time now. I know we can't go further, besides I no longer have the strength to even stretch my wings. However we have a chance to stop if not slow them down here." I didn't let him finish. I knew exactly what would happen if they reached our city.

There was no way we could let that happen. All the ammunition and magick cells are being built there.

"Well forgive me dear friend but it's not out of formality. You will always be my king. My first and my last. If I could go back to that day in the market, I would always make the same choice" he said with a bloody grin.

The sounds of stone breaking and snarls become louder as they breach the final blockade.

I look to him, smirking. Knowing that what I'm about to say will annoy him. "Not even when we flew across the sea and you spent the night with that crazy duck?"

Ignoring the drooling mouth that was riddled with bacteria and serrated teeth that was mere inches from our faces, he turns to look at me with a wince. And yet, in his eyes I can see how much he wants to laugh at the memory.

"You just had to bring that up didn't you? You swore to never tell another soul..." he muttered just before his head fell down on my shoulder.

"Brother?" I call out to him.

Peering down to my shoulder to get a better look at his face one last time. "I swear to you brother, I'll take it to my grave."

Kissing the top of his head, I reach for the fuse. Fighting through the trembling of my body as I feel the teeth of the magol grazing my neck. With a flick of my talons, I close my eyes one last time to think of my son as their teeth sink into my flesh and the place ignites.

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