Dark Lord

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There is nothing more perfect and beautiful than chaos if not perhaps pain. Especially the pain that brings forth power. This sort of pain came with the stitching of my wings. I had just bitten off a couple of wings from a both a condors and hummingbird's. At first I almost bit the entire hummingbird so I took one smack from my tail to a tree and the pathetic little thing stayed down.

Snapping the wings of the carrion feasting bird was just a simple nibble. When it came to the lesser one I realized that a little nibble was too big of a bite. I had to take extra care on removing its wings so that they remained intact. Barely using the tip of my claw I began cutting the wings, going back and forth like a saw.

The technique I used was the same one that the fifth king of Neros for one of his deliciously forms of punishments. Of course his study was solely focused on owl kind but the anatomy of bird's wings did not differ too far from another. A bit of tweaking in measurements, the way I cut and where I cut and I have two new sets of wings that are ready to be added to me.

Every new pair makes me stronger. My power not only increases but as do my other abilities. Thanks to the pathetic little prince of Neros, I have the sight of an owl's. It has made my nightly raids that much easier. I don't have to rely on potions that will wear off to give me vision. Plus those potions are as foul tasting as strawberries or those silly cakes the royals eat.

No more. With every thread and pierce of the needle I felt my sight getting sharper. When the very last knot of the stitch was tied I felt as though someone turned on the lights suddenly. Everything became much clearer even though some tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Even the one that had nearly been blinded by that foolish prince. Despite my hatred for these birds, seeing through their eyes makes me feel. It makes me eager for the night. My renewed eyes would be able to see their terrified little faces as I end them. Not to mention that with this better sight helps me with the stupid placement of my own eyes.

Once the last bit of hummingbird's left one came off I placed it in ice as I got to work stitching the condor's. I placed those directly underneath the Prince's wings. In the beginning I used to ask for my mage's help with the stitching. I couldn't reach that far behind me to get them on. He was the only one I trusted to do this task.

Presently, my wings are now long enough to wrap around all my scales. Even my long tail which had given me problems when I was first learning how to fly. All I had to do was bend and fold them over so I can put on the newest section. Carefully threading the needle through the feathers from the prince's to the condors I make sure that there's no tangling. I can feel each pinch and ache of the pulling. I can feel the all the winds that have blown underneath each feather.

When I'm done with one wing to my left, I bring my right one over and get the second condor wing out of the ice. I do this another two times for the hummingbird's as well.

I sit there for a moment as I bask in the soreness. Letting them both get used to the added weight. So as I sit here, pouring water over my scales so that they don't dry too much, I think about what my little mage has told me. The greater part of me is furious. Angry that I wouldn't have her wings. I told her stupid brother, the prince, that I would have them. Now I'll look like a liar. I hate that.

On the other hand, I am conflicted. If she does have darkness within her then wreaking havoc will be a lot easier. Nothing will hurt the kingdom of Neros more than seeing their own little light destroy them. And if she turns then the first that will try to stop her will be those companions of hers. The prince of Baldir. The other owl is no concern of mine, but the prince will be no match for her. He has no skill in magick so he will fall as well which will lead to the downfall of his own kingdom as well.

His mother the queen has rarely been seen nowadays. She's let those annoying little light bugs, the fireflies overrun the place. The same thing had happened when her king died. Pathetic. I knew she was a weakling. Just like her mate and just like I know her son will be.

However, just because she has darkness in her, that doesn't mean she will be on our side. She could end up with her own silly plans and then she will end up being in my way. Granted if she is as strong as my mage says she could be then it will be an honorable fight. At least then I will be able to obtain her wings once I defeat her.

I'll go with plan B first. If that makes any sense. Little mage and his thoughts suggest plan A is to recruit her so that she can help us conquer. For the most part I will go along with that is she is willing. Once I see my goal is near completion will I destroy her. If she gets in my way before then, then I will sic the rest of my Kijod upon her.

They have not been fed in a while so I know that they will be starving. That's what I love about them. Their loyalty really depends on you.

Take for example a soldier. You can train them, feed them, clothe them etc. But there are still some few that will with the right amount of pain will spill words. If you show some birds love then they might show you love in return. However, love isn't forever. I mean look at the world. Birds and animals fall out of love all the time. That isn't true loyalty.

Then there is fear. Sure, fear can and has lasted longer than love. Yet, all it takes is one brave little soul to raise its voice and take a stand. Next thing you know you have a damn rebellion on your hands. Again this isn't true loyalty either.

Now of course your enemy could offer food to your minions, pets or whatever you want to call them. But if you are responsible with training and feeding then you can teach them to not accept the food of others. The point being though is that unlike love and fear, because they rely on food, a good healthy diet is the only thing that matters.

In other words, the night raids are very necessary.

The slightest bit of a tingle in both my wings alerts me that I can now move my wings fully. Standing on all fours I stretch them out and flap a little to test their durability. Seeing if I need more stitching or rest. When no indication of either was given, I flapped harder until I rose above the ground.

I felt the power of the condor. The speed of the hummingbird as they moved faster.

One growl and I alerted my troops that I was ready to move. Good timing too since the moon has already risen. Time to test my eyes.

I gave the slightest of hints that the Dark Lord isn't a bird. Tell me what you think he is from the little descriptions I've given. Also let me know what you think of the story so far. Some part of me wants to have just one book, but then it might get kinda long, and then the other says to make it into two books. So tell me what you think and what you guys guess about the Dark Lord.

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