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I never thought I would have such a difficult time seeing an owl fly away from me. While it wasn't romantic feelings I had for Aihla, I loved her nonetheless. If anything happened to her I'm not sure I would survive it. She has become so important to me that I find myself agreeing with Jess more and more over her safety.

Don't get me wrong, I love Jess too. However with her, with the way we bicker and get on each others nerves it's more of a sibling bond. Different than what I feel for Aihla.

I couldn't believe she managed to talk me into seeing any reason about going to find the base. I knew that it was the most logical thing to do. Wipe them out at their source that is. But that didn't make my feelings settle any easier.

Instead of letting my thoughts and anxiety get the better of me, I followed my mother's advice. She always said "stop fussing and worrying about what you can't do but focus on what you could do". I needed to apply that right now.

I could spend the hours until the raid began stressing over what ifs and such making myself sick or I could spend these hours preparing as much as possible. Knowing what Aihla what do and what she would want, the answer was very easy. After I looked to Jess in silent agreement, I went to were I was posted last night and began giving those with me the proper instructions.

"Alright, before we begin I want to start off by saying how proud I was with how much strength and bravery you all showed last night. I know it was very hard to fight your instincts to hide and I know we all want to mourn those that we lost, but it's not over yet. It's just one more night. Picture the sunrise in your hearts."

My father once told me that as King you can lead your people as much with words than with a sword. Therefore he said, "Let your words inspire but your sword cut deep". I always hated the speeches but I never knew how right he was until now.

Last night, I don't think I've seen anything braver than when these birds followed my lead upon the albatross. Unlike Riverira who had a few fighters amongst them, the birds of Meer were just simple townsfolk. None of them have ever lifted a sword or at least gotten into a drunken pub fight. Yet, when they had to, they showed their courage by going against their adversary without any hesitation.

I was worried that once Aihla had gone they would lose their hope and give up. To some small degree you could see it in their eyes how much their fear had grown. While they continued to do as asked and prepare there were more tears in their eyes than the night before. So when night had come and we waited for the hour it was a struggle for them to reign in their sobs. Every other breath came with a sniffle.

By the third hour past seven, they had a lot of difficulty staying still much like when the ships had first crashed and we heard the cries. Only this time it was much stronger. I can admit that it was getting harder for me to keep calm as well. I kept trying to ensure that we all remained as undisturbed as possible.

When the hour of midnight came close, I couldn't take it anymore. None of us could, but I wouldn't allow a break of formation. Once I gave the order that they should stay put and stay on guard, I headed for the hospital. Hoping that she can shed some light on what she thinks is going on here. I hope it this wasn't some sort elaborate trap.

Not risking flight and being spotted if there happened to be spies in the sky I chose to walk. Though the further I walked the streets of Meer, the more my nerves rattled. Birds couldn't run all that well but the silence was eating at me like the flu. All I wanted to do was fly and hide so I picked up my pace so that I could get to Jess faster.

Upon turning the corner I see her coming towards me.

Despite not seeing anyone I didn't want to speak so loud to be overheard. "Am I mistaken or is it nearly midnight already? Not that I wish for them to come or anything but shouldn't they have been here already?"

I could see that she was just as on edge as me. "Yeah, this is really freaking me out. Everyone said that they were always on time as if it was an obsession. There's no way that they wouldn't be here by now unless..."

She had cut herself off midsentence the moment we both looked at each other. One look and we both knew what had stopped them. Our Aihla. I swear that little owl is a force to be reckoned with. For half a hummingbird's wingbeat, I almost felt sorry for the pirates.

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