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We weren't screaming per se. But every time we heard explosions and fighting we would flinch and a few whimpers would fall from our beaks. Some were from the wounded still being tended but many were from the frightened. In the beginning I helped as much as I could helping them while also tending the barrier. At around five, I stopped.

Remembering the time at which these pirates attacked, I only had a couple of hours until they came. As I waited, I simply sat with my eyes closed and tried to meditate. Focusing all my mind and energy into staying calm so that I can divide them later on. Reinforcing myself that no matter what happens or what the enemy brings, I follow my duties. My main one.

While being a healer has me bound to help those wounded and in my care, I am first a letahr. Above all else, Aihla needs my strength and protection. That is why she has my blade and chain. My magick is nowhere near the level of hers. I also know that she is not helpless in anyway, shape or form. She's the most tenacious owl I've ever met.

If someone said she couldn't do something or would never be able to accomplish a certain task, she took it upon herself to push harder. Now you could argue that that just made her stubborn. I call it determination and conviction. No matter how hard things get I know she will always find a way to get things done. It's why I can easily and whole heartedly put faith in her.

In Riverira we spilt up due to the bandits attacking unsuspectedly, but towards the end fought together. Here in Meer, it will be different. This time all three of us will be separate until the fighting is done for the night only to resume the next. Meylo is positioned in the center of town with a handful of fighters. Aihla is in the edge of the port. To dwindle the numbers of the pirates we would have to face, she cast a spell the moment they were reaching the shores.

My princess has practiced nearly every spell in the books so that she knew how to perform them properly. The reason I worry now is because this is one that she has never performed. In the last town, Aihla had fallen from the sky from exhaustion with how much magick she had used. During her self taught lessons she never exceeded past holding any sort of spell longer than three minutes.

That and she also allowed herself, after begging her endlessly, a ten minute break after every cast. There is also the physical exertion. Our first enemy was going up against a Kijod which we thought were a myth or extinct. Then we spent countless hours flying hoping to reach a nearby allying town. Not one that was in the territory of Gheddo. No offense to those who reside here as I now know a few of its residents.

After fending off the bandits and successfully disabling an altrika, she only had a few days rest before something woke her in the middle of the night causing her great pain. From there we set off again for more flying and found ourselves helping a few pelicans which then turned into helping another town.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against helping these poor birds. I just don't want my princess, my best friend to end up hurting herself beyond repair for the sake of others. Especially when I'm not there by her side. She will always be my top priority.

So when I heard the cannons and the explosions I had to take a moment to breathe. No matter how much yelling and destruction I heard outside, unless they attacked the hospital I was supposed to stay here. All my focus and concentration was to protect these birds.

Really short chapter I know but I have more planned for her. I just can't have her using up all her energy just now. Also please don't hate me for what's to come.

Lately she hasn't had any break besides from what little we have slept.

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