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I didn't want to comment on Aihla's appearance. The changes weren't exactly subtle but they weren't unnerving either. At least I didn't think so until she told us how her magick was changing. Barely beginning to learn the basics of it myself, I thought that maybe that would happen to owls who used it a lot of it. Like a maturing or coming of age kind of thing.

But if that were the case then Jess would or should be changing as well. Either like Aihla, it will be her feathers or her eyes, but there would be something. Only she has nothing. Sure she's more tired, we all are, but she looks the same as she did when I met her in the forest moments before we were attacked by that Kijod.

Even my own paranoia has me looking down at myself to see if there was anything different about me. Although I can't see my eyes I'm pretty sure the women would have something to me if they were changed. My feather still look to be midnight black all the way through.

If that wasn't worrisome enough then there's that pulling feeling that she was talking about.

Is it like a physical pull or is like a sensation one feels when hungry and they see a table of food? Suddenly being drawn to it.

I trust Aihla with my life. She has given me nothing to doubt. If we ever make it back home, the first thing I'd do after everything this war is sorted out is to make it official being allies with the kingdom of Neros. It might take my mother and those in my own kingdom some convincing but I think once I tell my story they can see reason.

Of course the one that would need the biggest convincing would be my mother.

"Meylo? Did you hear what we said?"

"Given that he's still staring at his spoon I highly doubt that he heard a speck. Hey Meylo, is it true that your first kiss was with a chicken?"A quick splash of water to my face had me spitting but also put me back in focus.

"What was that for?" I asked trying to dry my feathers.

Aihla just looks away snickering.

"It's not as interesting as your little spoon but we were talking about heading out either tonight or tomorrow morning. Also we need to figure out our next direction. Do you think that maybe we should head home? I mean we've been gone a long time now, heavens knows what's going on back there."

Jess had a point. We've helped two towns now. Both of which we've experienced threats that we have never faced before. Then there's the kijod. There could be more out there. We got lucky with one, what happens if we encounter a den of them. We wouldnt stand a chance.

But I look around us and I see how much of a difference we've made. I know in Riverira we said we'd push on. Things are changing and getting more dangerous but I guess I feel my own pull. Something that tells me we just need one more stop before we can go home.

"I think we should keep moving. After one more place then we can head home. This may sound crazy but I think there's a place that we need to go. I just don't where to go exactly." I sigh looking away knowing how I just sounded.

"Not crazy at all Mey. Plus I think you're right. I feel it too. Like one last check off a list. Jess, I know you're worried about me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little freaked out either." I could hear the plea in her voice.

I let them two talk some more. As much as I'd grown to consider Jess a friend, in the end, Aihla is a princess and she is her charge. Aihla may have a higher authority over her but neither of us would argue or push if she said to head home now. Truthfully I would agree on either decision she would make. If anything were to happen to Aihla, neither of us would forgive ourselves.

"Alright, but if there are any more signs of trouble which I don't mean bandits or anything like that. I mean that you pass out because of the magick or there are more changes to you or your magick then we head home. No arguing, debating or trying to reason. You're not allowed to pull heirarchy either. We head home and the first thing is we tell the King and Queen everything. Understood?" she said in a firm tone that only reminded me of my mother scolding me.

Not even Aihla tried cracking a joke or smiled. She simply nodded and agreed.


We didn't leave that night or in the morning like we had originally planned because Aihla had slept in until noon. There was nothing wrong with her health wise which was good it was just that she needed to catch up on her sleep. So we thought it best to stay a few more nights, help with the rebuilding while she rested up more. Just like it was in Riverira, our goodbye in Meer was bittersweet. While we were happy to have helped and meet new friends, we had to move on. Just like Riverira too, we made oaths to one another that we would come to help each other whenever needed. I think the one who felt the good bye the most was Jess. Given her nursing nature, she had grown really fond of her patients.

I know the one she would miss the most is that quiet pelican whose wing she healed the first day we came here. Their hug lasted the longest and he gave her a feather so she would remember him by in case it would be the last time they saw each other. In return, she gave him a feather of her own and a charm for protection. The charm also had a signaling so that if he ever needed help he could call her and she would know right away.

It was hard not to smile or blush when I saw them exchange feathers. I don't know how owls do certain things but we crows only give a feather to another as a signal to others that they are our mate. So to avoid giving assumptions or making things awkward on a heartfelt moment I kept my beak shut. Though I suspect that I may not be entirely wrong in that assumption because when I looked to Aihla, she was fighting back a smirk.

As we were taking off, Jess only confirmed our thoughts by mouthing to us to keep quiet.

Things were a little tricky this time around since we generally didn't have a destination in mind. When we left the jungle we looked for signs of towns that we heard from only rumors. When we left Riverira, they told us about Meer and where we are most likely to find the town. It wasn't as though we were just going to wander aimlessly, but we were going to go looking for more signs of life. See if we could help others the way we did for Riverira and Meer.

It was about perhaps a boring three day travel before we reached the gate. There was a giant stature of a bird that could clearly be seen from a mile away despite it msot likely being in the center of the whatever city we were heading into. I nearly faltered my next wing flap and crashed against a tree. I may have been a chid the last time I had looked upon those eyes but I would never forget them. No matter how many years passed, I would recognize my father anywhere.

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