Queen of Baldir

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I'm frozen in fear and heartache. I've lost my husband many years ago and part of me has never recovered. He was the only man I ever loved and will love 'til my dying day. The only thing that helped me through it was that I had his son, who looked so much like his father. Even in the ways he could be so immature. But now, even he is gone. I don't even know what happened.

One moment we were celebrating the alliance. The next my son was ushering us to safety and then he was pulled from my wing and disappeared from right in front of me. Not even a feather was left of him. Nothing! He was here with me and then he wasn't. I felt like I was reliving my love's death all over again. My love was standing right next to me, and then within a blink of an eye he was down on the floor with an arrow sticking out him that went right through his heart.

When the fight was over with the bandits, it took over an hour to recover his body. Well an hour has passed now and there is no sign of my son's body. All the commotion seemed to have died as quickly as it started.

After the second hour, we got the all clear from the soldiers that there were no intruders in or outside the castle. That I believed, but given the way my son was taken I didn't want any family to go through what I was feeling. So I ordered every guard to do a count of all our citizens. See if anyone else is missing. While I awaited for their count, I turned my attention to our visiting diplomats. Of course they offered me their sympathy and I tried to be courteous about it but it only made my tears fall more as it made me feel like my son was already dead.

On the third hour, I arranged for them to return to their home with an armed escort. They assured me that they would send us supplies of what ever we needed. That I can certainly welcome without an ache.

By the fifth hour, the head guard has returned and informed me that every citizen is accounted for. No one was missing, just my son. Part of me felt relieved. As Queen, I was happy to hear the my subjects were safe. As a mother, it also meant that I can ensure that the sole attention of the search is for my son. However, at the same time, it made me panic because it meant that Meylo was the intended target.

"Guard, find me the young one who had come to inform us about the intruders. I believe his name was Theo, please make haste." I tell him.

That youngster was informing me about the attack. Instead of thoroughly listening to him, I insulted the poor man. I cannot explain what I saw with Meylo, but once we discuss everything together then perhaps maybe we can figure out what is going. As well as what to do next. Minutes later the head guard and the youngster come before me.

"My Queen, you summoned me." he says shakily. No doubt a bit fearful from the last time he spoke to me but also due to the various wounds I see on him. I gesture for the head guard to leave us and continue with his aid of our kingdom. I also told to inform me when supplies from Jonis arrive.

"Hello, Theo. Firstly, are you wounds tended well?" I ask him. No offense, but the last thing I need is for him to pass out as we talk. That'll just add to my unease.

"Yes, my Queen. The healers said I would be grounded for two weeks whilst my wing heals but there should be no permanent damage." he replies to me.

I nod to him. "That's good to hear. Secondly, I want to apologize for my cruel words earlier. I was panicked and we were under attack. The reason I summoned you Theo is because I want you to tell me everything that you saw. No matter how small the detail."

As he continued to tell me all that he could recall, I had to struggle with myself. Part of me wanted to laugh and dismiss everything that he said. Magick? This cannot be real because magick isn't real. However, I still don't know what happened to my son. I believe in what I can see. I don't believe in myths and legends and fairytales for children. But in one second to the next my son was in next to me and then he wasn't.

I have no way to explain that and yet I saw it with my own eyes. And from the way Theo is telling his account he is struggling with what he saw as well. Whether magick is real or not, if it helps me find my son then sure. Call me a believer. The problem is that I don't know a single crow that knows or believes in magick. We just made an alliance with Jonis, but as far long as we've known the ravens, I don't think they believe in magick either.

Bloody eagles have nearly gone extinct but they don't believe in it either, they believed in science and experimentation. Look how well that turned out for them. Ducks and Pigeons are solitary birds and prefer their little farming communities. The closest they get to any excitement is opening up their stands in the market places. Bats are absolutely disgusting and crazy so they are an obvious no.

The only other bird that I heard believes in magick from what I've heard from traders and apparently actively use it is our enemy. The owls. But in a crisis such as this, to hell with the treaty. I called back in my guard and told him to send word to the market that I need one volunteer who will be well paid to be a liaison for me. I pray for a kind little Hummingbird but I'll take a duck if need be.

I just hope the King of Neros is in a listening mood and doesn't see this as act of war.

Feathers of BraveryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ