Queen of Baldir

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I nearly started a whole other war when I learned that Theo had died. In my rage, I couldn't think clearly and thought that the owls were responsible. That they ambushed him and killed him. But as his guard told me how they fought alongside them against four Kijod and some other creature, I realized that they were not to blame. I also learned that magick was indeed real. Miko, Theo's guard, saw first hand how the owls used magick to fight until they could no longer.

That was when they had to split up and fight the beasts together. Unfortunately that was also when a new foe arose. When he described him to me, I wanted to vomit. He sounded vile and disturbed. From there Miko informed that while the prince owl Radi commanded his guard to leave and report, Theo told him to do the exact thing. In order to ensure that the correct information was given and no misunderstandings were taken. Much like it had been with me.

When he was done I left him to be in the care of the healers. I wish to ask no more of him, but I fear that we will still need him in the days to come. Sure enough, his help was needed six days after arriving. A few fireflies arrived, each carrying a small little note barely big enough for us to read. Written were the words of the King informing us of the language of light and how it will be the way for us to communicate from now on. Miko would be on the look out for any incoming fireflies and would put them in containers with holes so they could breathe, making sure they remained hidden until nightfall.

I couldn't be more happy to hear that. I would not risk any more of my people to be ambushed. Though it was a new experience to say the least learning alongside my council and a few selected soldiers this new language. Part of the difficulty, at least for my say, was to not get distracted and enthralled by the lights. As pretty and beautiful as they were, they were messages in them. So you had to really pay attention to them and not let your mind wander.

After two weeks, we all mastered the new communication tactic and spent hours writing our own message then translating it to light. Miko would wake up at dawn and from his own place of choosing, one that not even I knew of, he would release them to fly back to Neros. He changed the release location every time. Little by little, we inquired more about magick. I did not know that you needed a special charm in order to perform it. Nor that there were different kinds of magick. Graciously, the King started sending the spells needed to perform defensive spells. Along with one in particular, the barrier spell. The very one that the prince and his own guard used to fight.

Remembering that Miko told me that Radi was his first born, I took a firefly aside to send a personal message to the King. Sending him my sorrow and prayers for the rest of his family's safety. I only have Meylo, and him not being here is killing me each day. Sure the king still has his wife and four more children, but I cannot imagine his pain in having to bury one while another is still missing. Along with another of his court. We sent fireflies to each others kingdoms in general discussion, but there was one that was reserved for only our eyes. Our own way to bring each other comfort.

On the third week, he told me something that was either hard to understand or hard to grasp. He told me about the mage and what she had spoken. He said she called him one of the Bishops and he believed me to be the other. It took me two days to respond to him. I didn't know what to say or have the proper words to put together what I was feeling and thinking.

Once I found the words, I immediately sent a firefly. This was something the two of us would do in secret against all our advisors and trusted ones. If it was done correctly, and by my wings was that a big if, then it would deal such a blow to the enemy. We just needed to find the perfect spell, the perfect time and for me to be able to execute the spell perfectly.

Little by little, or rather one by one, the fireflies began bringing the beads needed to make the charms. Carrying a piece of paper was a trial on its own. These little creatures now had to travel carrying a bead over great distances. On average, a charm has at least twenty beads to be efficient in magick conducting. Those in my council and trusted were thirty. That's six hundred beads that these brave little warriors in their own right had to carry over at least a hundred miles day and night.

Every time the pretty light insect would land, someone would hand the bead to another and would gently pick up the bug to give to a healer so that they were mended properly in order to make the next journey.

All effort was needed and nothing could be left unchecked or wasted. We all gathered and came to the conclusion that since these past weeks no firefly had been intercepted or was even known that they were being used, we decided to make them our new spies. All the ones we could spare would be sent throughout the lands. Mainly to search for the foe that had attacked our appointed during the meeting. In the beginning my advisors pleaded with me that we should send some to look for the prince.

Part of me wanted to. But the King and I had our plan and we knew somehow that the three, wherever they are didn't need us that at the moment. They had their own dealings to contend with. We couldn't interfere just yet. Despite all the planning and preparation, it could not be said enough that waiting was the worst part.

That's all we could do at this point. Wait. It was as the King said. We were all on child's playing board. All our pieces were being moved to where they needed to be and were waiting on the next move. I just prayed we had more on our side than our opponents.

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