𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟎𝟖

Start from the beginning

He didn't say anything, actually, the first thing I felt was his hand separating mine so that I stopped spinning my rings into my skin. I looked at him and he kept his hand on mine as he looked at me.

"First off, never apologize to me for that ever again. I want to hear what you have to say, always, it doesn't matter what it's about, and I especially want to hear it if it's about you. Second, comedic value aside, I wish I could go back in time and get you away from that guy, and if anything like that ever happens again, know that I'll commit a felony. And third, Vie that's– did nobody notice?" he asked and I felt my heart drop. Shut it off shut it off shut it off, I repeated to myself, but I couldn't stop myself from talking again.

"I mean people noticed, but nothing could have gotten any of us off that show, me especially. I knew I had to stay if I wanted to go anywhere in the industry. It was like a golden ticket and I would have died before I gave it up. It wasn't that bad, it's not like anything ever happened, at least on that show. Even then I knew that I had to get my footing before I could make any rash decisions," I replied and he squeezed my hand comfortingly.

I can tell he wanted to ask about what I accidentally let slip, but he held back which is always appreciated. Instead he said, "It's still fucked Vie, you were a kid, and the creepy dude was old as fuck. I wish it was easier to get where we are, that people were less selfish, less manipulative, but people suck. It's why it's easier to be a kiss ass," he commented and I laughed. He's giving me the chance to shift the conversation now, and I'm starting to realize why he's so easy to talk to.

"Everyone's got their thing I guess, I just like to pick the more difficult way," I replied loosely and he smiled.

"It's more honorable for sure," Tucker complimented with a little glint in his eyes and I rolled my eyes pointlessly.

"That's one way to put it," I said and he shrugged.

"At least we know you're a good person," he said and I saw him falter for a second. At least it's not just me. He turned his attention back to the park and I looked at him for a second.

"I don't think you're a bad person T, an asshole for sure, but not a bad person," I said and saw him grin, but it wasn't his whole grin. Holy fuck he's doing exactly what I'm doing.

"Thanks Vie, but I've done some pretty shitty things," he commented and looked back at me.

"I think we all have," I said and he squinted a little in disagreement.

"Not like what I've done," he replied and I raised an eyebrow.

"Try me," I stated and he sighed. Ew why did I say that?

"I chose my career over my family, I left my band to go solo, I never talk to my friends, I waste everyone's time, the second I get too close to people everything starts to go wrong, I let everyone else talk for me, I don't even know who I am, in my last relationship I let work get between me and my ex and broke up with her, and when I get mad I lose control of my emotions," he listed and I tilted my head.

"Fuck we're way more similar than I thought," is the first thing I said and he smiled genuinely. God I'm terrible at this. "You haven't wasted my time, and I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with that statement. Leaving the band ended up turning out good for everyone involved, the ex knew what she got herself into, and I think that's what happens when people get mad T. Also, I think I could list some shining qualities about you, and if I'm capable of that than I think you're all good," I said and the boy was starting to get more comfortable.

"That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," he teased and I flipped him off with my free hand. "Wait– did your family give you an ultimatum too?" he asked and I gave a thumbs up.

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