The Day She Baked A Cake

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"Have you actually made your mind?" My brother asked me as he sat on my living room's couch, holding a bottle of bear.

I nodded my head as I took a sip of the beer in my hand. "Yeah, too soon?"

"This is great, but that far. Are you sure?" he asked.

"Never been so sure about anything in my life than this, brother." I said with a little smile.

"How are you going to survive there without a cellphone?" he asked.

I used my bottle to nod at him. "Why did you think I asked you to bring out? Where is it?"

"Oh, I forgot," he patted his chest until he brought out a brand new phone out of his pocket and threw it at me.

As I examined the phone for any scratch, he filled me in before I could press the power button.

"I got it registered, credit done all for you since you are the one of the constant things in my life." Phillips said.

I tapped the phone and proceeded to switch off it but it showed Bix something and I had to press return. "How do I shut this thing?"

"Ah," he exclaimed, then got serious. "You swipe the screen down and clicked on icon next to the settings one. Looks at O, you know the power off is."

I showed what matched his description and he gave me a thumbs up. "What's do you want?" I asked him.

He pouted slightly. "A hug for my hard work, the phone staff was mean to me."

I almost rolled my eyes. "Because you were trying to flirt with her." I said my guess.

"But I loved her."

"Phil, you only loved what is between her thighs." I said.

A smile radiated his face. "You know me too well. I should've been a priest."

"I guess, you would like the word 'Excommunicated' to your title. Wake up, sunny boy."

"No, father."

"Shut it, before I bang your head to the wall. I'm not too old to see the play of words there." I told him, ready to toss my first empty bottle at him.

"Woah, easy there. Mom wouldn't be happy to see her favorite boy with a broken nose."

That was it, I stood up, ready to kick the slimy bastard out of my house before I killed him. "You piece of—"

A knock stopped me in my tracks and my laughing brother went ahead to open the door. "I wonder who that might be," he said aloud. "Miss Freda, how are you? Yes, he's in. I know, right? He always in. Awwn, for who?"

I heard my dummy of a brother, who was smart but behaved really dumb at times. I watched him making his way back with Miss Marlene in front of him. He stuck his tongue out and jogged as he pointed down at her. I made out his word as 'Hot'.

"Jarrod, how have you been?" she asked, standing in the middle of the room.


"Have a seat," My brother said, and pointed to a love seat not far from him while she thanked him, and made herself at home.

I continued drinking from my bottle when my brother discreetly wiggled his eyebrows with a chastising face as our guest looked like she had her neck broken in three different places.

When he had my attention, he used his head to motion at the only her in the room. "Talk," he said, then she turned to him. "We were just 'talking' about how you make more time for her than me." Phillips chuckled.

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