The Day We Talked

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After my brother soured my mood, I spent the whole day trying to sleep and the night, to avoid staying awake. Either, I was a mess and not the happy one.

To say I felt down, sad, angry and bitter about the world was an understatement when everything started and ended with me in the first place.

During the month of August, my neighbor came with her troubles and knocked on my door. There, I was in the living room, too low to care about paying her any attention.

She knocked, and knocked before she left with another promise that I halfheartedly listened to. I just want to be alone and that was all before my parents put to their threats, and make me a toddler at forty-six.

In the silence and the occasional laughter heard down the hallways, my heart burned and ached. I hoped It was stroke and heart attack that end up, but sadly it wasn't. Just the reminder I needed to have a cup of water.

Standing up on my feet without the help of my cane that was missed at the stairs top, my feet moved to the kitchen where I picked out two eggs that I fried with a pinch of salt, place a frozen rice topped with beef stew in the oven and filled my cup with tap water.

When the oven timer dinged, I pulled the pack and set it on the table with a pitcher of beer. I sat down after grabbing a fork and set to work with my meal, pierced into my eggs and ran through my beef rice turned gravy. A fast work like I said.

As I dropped my fork, I picked up the glass of water and downed it, and reached for the pitcher. But my hands stopped halfway and I pulled back, giving up on the idea.

Done, I washed the dishes and dry them with a towel before setting them on a rack. Before having made my upstairs, not to sleep but to bathe. I know I must sound like a hobbit to you, and do you know the difference between a homeless guy and a homeless looking guy, someone has a shower and well furnished bathroom.

Once in the shower, I turned the nob and received a dose of cold water, curses escaped my mouth as my body adjusted to the cold water. Washed up, I wore a heavy set of clothes as the one who took his hygiene serious. No, body odor, here.

I rolled my jeans pants and applied pain relief cream, exhausted, I laid in my bed and closed my eyes.

That was my average day in the  month of all things fade away.

Hold up, not done yet. That how I thought my month would continue to go until she came back and knocked on my door.

This time I didn't stay in bed, ignored her, I marched down with seething anger and opened the door..

"What do you want?" I asked, all but calmly.

"I baked you a pie, Mr. Homer." she showed me the plated dessert, so close to my face that I could smell the cinnamon apple pie.

I sighed. "Give me that."

"Huh," she said, dumb as a bell.

"I said, give me that." I swung my hand to snatch the pie and dunk it into the pie, instead I ended up, struck the pie.

Miss Marlene gasped as the overturned plate fell on my porch and the juice made a nasty sticky trail on the smooth wood boards.

I punched my nose in frustration. "Look what you have done to my porch, clean it." I said as she had knelt down to pick what was left of the damaged goods.

"Excuse me." she stopped dumping the bigger piece in the pie plate and looked at me with the question.

"Not excused, clean up my porch your pie screwed on." I said, emphasizing on each word.

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