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"Seriously. Now she's not even picking up her phone. Maybe she's just busy..."
Ahn Yujin don't get ahead of yourself. Stop jumping to conclusions.
Yujin knocked the first few times but got no response. Someone has got to be here. None of them were in the practice room.
"Anyone home?"
Yujin called out after several failed knocking attempts.
Just as she was about to turn away, the lock clicked open and the door shifted open to reveal a girl with dishevelled hair, an extremely pale face with eye bags resting below her dark brown eyes.
"Unnie. Are you ok?"
Yujin immediately rushed to the girl that had opened the door for her.
"Go home Ahn Yujin."
The other girl shrugged her off and weakly trudged back to her room after seeing Yujin shut the door. The younger girl couldn't help but look at the helpless girl with sorrowful eyes. Instead, she made her way into the kitchen to boil some hot water and pulled a tea bag out from the top cabinet.
She gently pushed the door open making a creaking sound, instead of finding the girl asleep she was sitting at her desk fiddling with her Lego pieces, continuing to cough endlessly.
"Unnie! You're sick, you shouldn't be playing with your Lego right now."
Although the girl had her back faced away from Yujin holding a mug of hot tea, she could just tell that the older girl was rolling her eyes.
"Cmon, go to bed. I have some tea for you."
Yujin put her hand gently on the girl's shoulder that was simply ignoring her.
"So now you can see me. Now you care about me."
Y/N mumbled, continuing to play with her Lego pieces that were scattered across her desk.
"Nothing. Nothing."
Yujin placed the mug of tea beside Y/N, on her desk where she was seated at.
Instead of fighting even more with the girl that was already upset with her, Yujin just sat on Y/N's bed just to keep her company even though they weren't talking to one another.
An hour or so passed with no word yet to be exchanged.
"Why are you even here in the first place?"
The older girl interrupted their silence, swivelling her chair to face Yujin that was laying down on her bed on her phone.
"Come, sit."
Yujin patted the spot on the bed for Y/N to sit, and finally she stood up from her chair and weakly stumbled to her bed.
Yujin immediately draped the blanket over the girl that was still in denial of being sick.
"If you weren't so stubborn. You would've found out earlier."
Yujin scoffed, to which Y/N just side-eyed her.
"I'm staying here. With you. With the disbandment of Iz*one, I spoke to Pd-Nim this morning and well..."
Yujin inhaled deeply.
"I'm a trainee again. Apparently, there is potential to start a new group."
Y/N's eyes instantly got brighter, the colour on her face beginning to return and her being mad at Yujin had completely slipped from her mind and she was squeezing the younger girl in a tight hug.
The sudden change in the girl next to her left Yujin stunned but she rested her arm on the small of Y/N's back.
"Us in the same group is going to be legendary."
Yujin pushed Y/N away, who immediately pouted at the sudden lack of contact.
"You're in this new group?!? But how-"
She asked and Y/N nodded her head enthusiastically.

Y/N had eventually drifted off into slumber with her head rested on Yujin's chest and her arm slumped against the younger girl's hip bone.
"I missed this."
Yujin whispered, leaning down to gently plant a kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead.
"Whatever this is, between us."

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