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The final bell for the end of school rang through the hallways, causing students to shove past one another in the bustling hallways. Normally around this time Y/N would hear the voice of someone yelling out her name and jumping over the crowd of students. Not today. Not anymore.  It wasn't meant to just end like this. They would always make up in the end, but it didn't seem like that would be possible anymore.

It was like a recurring cycle. The way Y/N would get too close with someone and instantly push them away, because she thought that the other person would eventually do the same to her.  Yet, even on the day where they thought they would completely ruin their friendship. Y/N called her at 2am in the morning and cried at the other girl's front door, only to be let in and not pushed to the curb.

She loved her.

It was that kind of love, where it was only one-sided

Her life was a mess, and she was lucky that she even graduated after all those years of self neglect. It wasn't the same since she left Y/N's hometown those several years ago, disappearing then suddenly appearing on the media out of no where. All that time, Y/N regretted how they spent their last moments together fighting and crying. Growing up was difficult without her by her side.

Y/N focused all her remaining talents into the one sport she loved and managed to get a sports scholarship into the university she wanted. Academically... she had zero chance, if we put it in words where we aren't beating around the bush. It was that time of the year where the graduates reunion was coming around. Most people would go only to see how their classmates turned out after graduating from high school. After being convinced by her roommate in uni; Y/N finally agreed to go, but only for one single hour max. Maybe Y/N only agreed to go, in hopes that she would see that girl from years ago again. Or maybe she just wanted her roommate to shut up.

Y/N took a deep breath as she stood infront of the school gates that had a banner tied to it reading 'Welcome Back graduates of 2020.'

"Maybe at least look a little happy to be back."
"What for...?"
Y/N replied to what the person beside her said. She still didn't look to see who it was that spoke but they seemed as if they knew who she was.
"My whole time at this school sucked."
Y/N carried on.
"At least you got something good from it in the end."
Y/N finally turned to see who was talking to her and immediately bowed straight away, whilst apologising multiple times for speaking informally.

Her old volleyball coach was laughing at the girl that was feeling extremely guilty in the moment. "Get up." He said, laughing at his previous prodigy that was now training to be part of the girls olympic team.
"I saw your friend earlier. She was getting off a van a few streets down."
Y/N responded, looking at her coach with a dull expression.
"I didn't have any friends."
"... Really? I wasn't considered one."
Another voice spoke behind the two volleyball players.

Y/N audibly gulped once hearing the very familiar voice. She didn't know what to say. Should she apologise for how they ended those few years ago or should she pretend as if nothing happened between them. The time it took for her to decide between the two choices was obviously too long as it remained an awkward silence, followed closely by her coach awkwardly bidding farewell to the two 'friends.'
"Catch up with you later."
The coach spoke, lifting his head towards the other girl beside Y/N.
"Why are you here..? Jimin. I mean Monday. Seems like you go by that now."
Y/N's tone made a chill run down Jimin's spine.
"At least show a little respect to your old captain."
The girls that stood beside each other were both considerably tall, around the same height of one another.

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