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Out Of The Blue Pt 2.

It had been a month or so since Y/N left and PD had finally decided to put out a local audition to fill the space of the 12th member.
"I just can't picture someone filling her spot now."
Kim Lip said the words that nobody had the guts to say out loud all that time.
Noticing the solemn faces around the room, Haseul spoke up.
"Guys everything will be fine. Besides whoever this person is , will be a fresh new face and talent for us. We're not replacing Y/N, she'll be back soon whether or not, she's part of Loona."
Currently 10 girls were in the room waiting for PD-nim to announce that Loona had a 12th member, but so far nothing. Haseul had heard that a girl was found and is currently in training and so the girl's prepared for it by let's just say claiming the smaller practice room and sleeping, eating, messing around etc. Yerim aka Choerry went out to buy a few more snacks for the girls and was about to walk in the building when -


The girl holding a big bag full of snacks turned around and immediately dropped everything onto the ground.
The two girls ran to each other before engulfing each other in a long awaited hug.
"When did you get back?"
The older girl questioned.
"Only a few hours ago. I thought I would surprise Heejin unnie at home but she wasn't there so I thought you were all here."
Y/N admitted and picked up the bag of snacks that Choerry had dropped before.
"Yeah, the 12th member is currently in training so everyone's in the practice room waiting. Her name is Hyeju."
Choerry said, as both girls walked towards the practice room.
"Mind if I go in and drop her off some snacks?"
Choerry asked, as they reached the door of the main practice room.
"You think I'm allowed to go in too?"
Choerry shrugged but held onto Y/N's hand anyways as they both made their way inside the training room where the 12th Loona member was training.

Choerry slightly opened the training room door and poked her head inside. Hyeju turned around, her eyes immediately connecting with the girl that stood behind Choerry instead. That same girl with silky dark hair and piercing fox eyes.

Her name was Son Hyeju.

She said with an unreadble expression, and held out her hand for Y/N to shake. So they were just going to pretend as if they never met each other before?
Y/N questioningly glanced at Hyeju's hand before shaking it.


'I don't believe in fate or true love. But this right here... is pretty unrealistic.'

"You're doing Egoist."
Y/N spoke, as she looked around at all the dancers and waved as they were the same dancers that practiced for her 'debut' with her.
"Oh yea! Y/N they're doing your song."
Choerry clapped excitedly.
"I'm sorry. Your song?"
Hyeju lifted her head.
"Yeah.. It's a long story."
Y/N said and smiled contently, whilst handing Hyeju a pack of pepero.
"Y/N over here was going to debut with us initially as the last member, and Egoist was going to be her debut song."
Choerry rambled on, before stopping herself when she felt a familiar glare beside her.
"Oh my god. Choi Yerim."
Y/N hit her head lightly with the palm of her hand.
"Why didn't you?"
Hyeju carefully crafted the question, in order to not sound imposing.
"It's ok. I had some family things come up so I flew back home and I chose not to."
Y/N finalised.

"You know she's younger than you!"
Choerry unexpectedly spoke, pointing a finger at the girl beside her.
"Choerry. We should go."
Y/N tugged on the resistant girl's arm.
"Why don't you stay and teach the choreo to Hyeju."
The choreographer spoke to which she earned a bunch of eager nods from a few of the back up dancers that Y/N had gotten close to too.
"I don't want to impose unnie."
Y/N said, still backing away towards the door when Choerry suddenly dragged her into the centre of the room.
"Be helpful Y/L/N Y/N."
Choerry crossed her arms over her chest.
"Oh but I have to tell Heejin Unnie I'm here and everyon-"
Y/N began, but was once again cut off by Choerry.
"I'll tell them. You stay here and help Hyeju."
The older girl said sternly, and before Y/N could utter another word, the other girl was already out the door.

"Um so.."
They had finally decided to take a break, with both of them leaving the room to go fill up their drink bottles in silence.

"So why did you pretend not to know me?"

Y/N finally broke the silence, nudging Hyeju's shoulder playfully as she walked beside her.

"It would've been weird to say that I know you. After all, I never knew your name or age."

{𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗣 𝗠𝗩 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴}
"You look pretty, unnie."
Y/N said whilst fixing the corner of Hyeju's shirt for her first scene.
A light pink tint rose onto Hyeju's cheeks upon hearing the compliment.
From the stands, they both heard the director call for the first scene.
"Go Olivia Hye."
Y/N shouted, as Hyeju made her way to the front of all the cameras, for the first scene.

It was Jinsoul's scene being filmed soon and so Hyeju took a break, sitting beside Y/N and sipping on the iced Americano she had bought only a few minutes earlier.
"I saw some of the clips already and they look really good."
"Y/N. The director spoke with me and he asked if I would ask you to be in a scene with me. If you say yes, he just needs approval with PD-nim."
Hyeju said, looking up at the girl that was stood infront of her.
Y/N had gotten her hair and some makeup done, even though she wasn't meant to show her face quite yet to the public. The stylists gave her an exact replica of what Hyeju was wearing so they appeared as clones when you saw them from behind. Except Y/N was a bit taller.

The next scene had them both laying in bed hugging each other, at very close proximity. Y/N swore as each scene got filmed she could feel Hyeju's breathing go shallow and her heart beat race a little and she hoped that Hyeju wouldn't be able to feel her heart beat either.

As the director was preparing for the next scene which had them at close proximity, Hyeju had her hand rested gently on the back of Y/N's head.
"I'm glad you agreed to do this. I'd rather you than anyone else."
Hyeju whispered, only to hear a muffled voice speak after.
"I'm glad too."
Y/N said, her voice muffled as her head was pressed against Hyeju's shoulder. 

The scene after required Y/N to slide her arms around Hyeju's waist. This caused both of them to erupt in laughter and the director call cut.
"Sorry sorry."
Y/N apologised quickly.
From the corner of the set, she heard a familiar voice yelling at her, then the owner of the rather deep voice stepped out from the shadows before being yanked back by Jinsoul.
"Heejin be quiet. I can't bring you anywhere."

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