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Out Of The Blue Pt 1.

Y/N was currently finding ways to stall and waste time until her flight that was said to depart in another 3 hours or so. So she decided to first get a coffee to start her day, after all since she hadn't fully woken up yet and it was still pretty early in the morning.

After Y/N had paid for her order, instead of her normal take-away schedule she decided to sit down at this cafe. She picked the bench seat right infront of the window where she could watch as planes would depart and head to all sorts of different locations worldwide. A part of her wished that she told the members that she was leaving today, especially Heejin, but it was best if they didn't know so they could focus more on their upcoming careers. After all she would be back soon, she just didn't know when. Her order had come, so for the past 15 minutes she had been sitting by the window, drinking her drink slowly whilst scrolling through her instagram account that was set on private at the time.

Shocked by the unexpected contact behind her, of a person setting their hands on her shoulders, she dropped her phone on the table. Behind her, she could hear the person laughing. Turning around quickly, to see who she assumed was one of the Loona members, Y/N widened her eyes to... not see anyone she had pictured.
"Who are you?"
The person infront of her instead had fox like eyes, and dark and silky hair that flowed just past her collarbone. The person who had just scared her also seemed quite surprised.
"Oh sorry."
She quickly apologised, bowing.
"I mistook you for someone. Sorry to bother you."
Y/N chucked the person a smile as if to say it was okay, before she turned back around to continue scrolling on her phone. She was almost finished drinking her drink when a chair pulled out next to her and a girl sat down. Y/N looked to the side, glancing away from her phone to see the same person that had scared her moments before.

"Can I sit here?"
The girl asked her. Taken back a bit by the other girl, the girl who was about to leave stuttered on her words.
"W-well you already sat down."
"Are you with someone?"
The girl beside Y/N asked.
Very direct, Y/N thought, considering she had just met this girl.
"No. But aren't you here to meet someone? You said you mistook me for someone before."
The girl looked down at the table, Y/N could see the small smile on her face.
"It's alright."

{𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘 𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗣 𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲}
The girl Y/N had just met, pointed a toy gun at the target hitting it accurately.
"The loser grants the winner a wish. You haven't forgotten have you?"
To be honest, Y/N didn't exactly know how she ended up in an arcade with this mystery girl. The girl had just simply sat down beside her and the two talked for a little bit before the girl stood up and asked her if she wanted to get out of here and go do something fun. Seeming as though Y/N's flight was another 2 and a half hours away she agreed and the girl took her hand and brought her to this arcade nearby the airport.

When the girl took hold of her hand, Y/N swore that the temperature around them had suddenly gotten much hotter, she could feel her face going red.
"Don't get all of full of yourself quite yet."
Y/N smirked at the other girl, grabbing the toy guy from her hands and aiming it at the target infront of her.
"So continue what you were saying before. About leaving without telling your friends..."
The mystery girl asked.
"I probably shouldn't be saying this to just anyone."
She squinted her eyes at the target before pulling the trigger and watching as it hit the target perfectly.
"Looks like we're even."
The girl handed the toy gun over to the mystery girl and watched her hit the target once again. As it got back to her turn and she was aiming, she suddenly burst out laughing as the other girl had started to tickle her with Y/N helplessly trying to run away. The ring of a phone interrupted the two that were now trying to catch their breaths. Y/N pulled out her phone from her back pocket, and saw that the person calling was Yves.

"One second."

She said to the other girl and walked off to somewhere private to answer the call. After she hung up the call with Y/N who was just asking if she was at the airport yet, Y/N went back to where she originally left the other girl. Only to hear that she too was speaking to someone on the phone.
"I miss you too. I'll see you tomorrow."
Y/N managed to over hear a bit of their conversation on accident, the smile on her face instantaneously faded and she felt her heart drop.
I shouldn't have come here anyways.
Y/N thought as she rounded the corner before the other girl noticed her presence and left without hearing the rest of the phone call.

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