I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Spoiler alert, I wasn't. Far back, in the distance, I saw some weird asscorn flying towards us.

It looked like a distorted flying dinosaur, whatever they're called, but it also looked like its face was human?

"Dad... what is that?" I fully imagined him to say that I'm making up stuff again, but this time he cursed under his breath. Sadly, I couldn't catch it.

Next thing I know, he started driving the car at almost maximum speed, driving like a makaroni.

"You see it too?!" I manage to get out, not taking my eyes off that scary-asscorn thing.

"No, exactly, but I trust you." I turn to him, "Huh?! What is going on?!"

"No time to explain, Vee." He said making a quick, sharp turn, making me almost fly out of my seat. I hold onto it as I thank God for seatbelts.

I glance back at the review mirror, "Fu- fuckaroni! It's close dad, too foxing close!" Next thing I know, something attaches itself on our car's roof.

I begin cursing my self, (in a friendly language of course) for not going to church more, because as many times as I said that I don't believe in God, I do not wish to try and find out if I was wrong or right.

"Get out! We have to get out!" I yell, un cuffing my seatbelt, and throwing my bag with my necessities (headphones and books, along with some candy bars) over my shoulder.

"You have to get over the hill, where the big three is, Vee!" Dad yelled and I turned back to see that the creature is meters away from us.

I run as fast as I can, trying not to slip over some rocks or branches, sweat almost dripping from me. Finally I reach the hill and see a weird intrance with armoured people- teenagers? Somewhat protecting it?

One of them sees me and rushes in my direction, "Are you okay?" I only nod, not being able to say anything yet.

"That- creature thingy... it's after us." I managed to get out.

"Us? You're not alone?" She asked me. Is shook my head, "No... no my dad,"

Suddenly the older girl pushed me behind her and I knit my brows, turning around. And I wish I didn't.

Because I face that thing, wrapping its claws around my dad. And a second later, his body goes lips as he drops to the ground, dead.

I LET OUT A gasp as I wake up from my nightmare. It's the fourth one this month and it's only the fifteenth.

I knit my brows realising that I didn't wake up on my own. I take off my headphones and look up to meet Castellan. Fukaroni, I did not need to have him, if all people wake me up from one of my nightmares

"You okay?" He asked and I notice him lowering his sword. He must have nudged me with it to wake me up.

"I'm fine," I mumble, placing my belongings in a drawer. He sighs, "You know, we all get them, nightmares."

"Well, thanks for the unuseful information, Castellan."

He looks at me with a weird expression, making me scoff, "What?" I ask.

He seemed to get a hint that we're done with the earlier conversation, so he scoffs right back at me, "We're supposed to lead the class today for the younger ones. Will you ever stop trying to get out of them? It's not that bad."

I glance at my watch, internally groaning. Since me and Castellan are the oldest ones in the Hermes cabin, every week we have to lead one lesson on what the younger residents have been learning.

I've tried to get out of this job many times. I mean after all, I'm not even technically from their cabin. But Mr. D really does not care.

"Come on, we're already two minutes late because of you."

I roll my eyes at him, putting on my Converse, "You can start without me, if you wish."

"Good try, Callaghan." I stand up, brushing past him as head out of the cabin.

"What are we even leading the class about today?" I ask even though I knew the answer. I just wanted to make sure, because if I got the wrong information, then Leslie from cabin 10 should watch herself. I don't deal well with liars, even if it's over a silly thing as this.

"Deceiving tactics." He answered. So I guess Leslie is good.

I think you'll like the training scene in the next chapter 😉

1.2k words


𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐈 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐀 𝐁𝐎𝐘, l. castellanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz