Chapter 74

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Noah's POV (we're starting the next day because I didn't feel like writing the night povs lol so like everyone played with the puppies and went to sleep, super chill night)

I woke up really early today, I can hear Spencer and Nicky sleeping, and Nicky alwayssss wakes up before everyone! Hunter didn't come get me yet because it's too early, so I decide to go find him. I only find Reid in Hunters bed, and Maddy and Archer too, that's no fair! I want to snuggle with the puppies too. I'm going to ask if Archie can sleep with me tonight. I hear the water in Hunters bathroom, and so I know he's in there. I open the door slowly, and sit and wait for him to come out. "Oh my fu—I mean shi—shoot! Noah, buddy you scared me, are you okay? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" Hunter says making me giggle. I didn't think I scared him, I was just waiting for him. "No. Have nice d-dream." I tell him. I had a really good dream, I was playing with Luna baby, and Archie and Maddy, and I ate ice cream and the puppies could talk! "Yeah? If you had a nice dream, then why are you awake so early?" Hunter asks me, what a silly question, every time a dream ends, you have to wake up. "Dream finish, Noah w-wake up, now here!" I explain to him, maybe he doesn't know how dreams work, or what if he doesn't have any dreams? "Do you maybe feel like having another dream? Because it's way too early for you to be awake." He says and I frown. "Hunter w-wake early too." I say. How come it's not too early for him? Is it because I'm little and he's a giant? Is it because he wears funny looking outfits everyday? Did the puppies wake him up and take his bed from him? "-ah. Noah!" Hunter says shaking my arm. "You spaced out there for a minute, are you sure you're not still sleepy? You can cuddle in with Reid and the puppies, as long as you don't squish or roll over anyone." He says. "No thank you. Can h-help pick clothes for Hunter today?" I ask him, maybe I can choose a pretty outfit for him so he won't look funny. "You want to help pick my outfit?" He asks me. "Yes. N-noah ask you." I tell him, I think he's the sleepy one since he keeps asking silly questions.

I pick a purple shirt for Hunter, and purple socks, and grey pants, because the blue and the black pants didn't matchy match at all! After breakfast, Hunter drove everyone to school, and he walked me to my class because Spencer was being a meany and ate my cheese string in the car so I didn't want him to walk with me. He's so naughty, I'm going to eat his cheese string later! I say bye to Hunter and give him a big big hug. "Have a good day, Atlas is going to pick you up today. I love you." He says. "L-love you more!!" I say hugging him again. "Noah! You're here! Jesse look! Noah's here!" Theo says and I wave excitedly at him. "Guess what! My birthday is coming up and I'm having a birthday party and you're invited and Jesse will be there but Adina won't be but my mom says all your brothers can come too!" Theo tells me and I nod. "We're gonna have a bouncy castle and balloons and cake! Do you like cake?" He says and I nod. "L-like cake! What b-bouncy castle?" I ask. Does he live in a castle like a princess? "You don't know!? That's okay, it's gonna be super super fun and I'll show you how to not lose your balance. Jesse says he's too big for the bouncy castle but I told him my mom knows the height and weight limit for it and she says Jesse is ok to play with us!" He says. I'm really happy Jesse isn't too big to play with us, that means Lex isn't too big to play with us either. "Theo you missed the part about why all of his brothers are invited." Jesse says coming to sit at his desk, I wave hi to him. "Oh yeah! My mom works for your big brother, and he talks about all of you all the time, so you're all invited!" Theo says. That's so cool! His mommy works with Hunter, I can't wait to tell him that, I wonder if he knows? Maybe his mommy is best friends with Hunter, but she can't be because Li-li is best friends with Hunter.

Miss Hannah says it's time to work now, and I show Jesse that I can write my name really good now. "Wow your letters are getting much better!" He says. "Noah p-practice!" I tell him. "Jesse?" I say, wanting to ask him something. "Why Theo h-have party?" I ask. Spencer went to a party one time and he came home smelling yucky, but Theo's party sounds a lot more fun than what he went too. "It's his birthday, lots of people have parties for their birthdays." He explains. "Oh. Noah have b-birthday too?" I ask, I want to have a fun party too, and have balloons and cake! "Everyone's got a birthday. It's the day you're born. Mine is in the summer, August 3rd." He says, I should tell Hunter to put that on the calendar so I don't forget. "Okay. Thank y-you." I say and keep writing, but I think more about birthdays. If everyone has one, then when is Hunters? Did he have a bouncy castle too? Did we have a birthday party the other day when we bought a cake or was that my birthday? Does Nicky have a lot of birthdays, because he makes so many cakes? Birthdays don't many any sense.

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