Chapter 31

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Reids POV:

Hunter and Mr. Adler talk details about the program and I look around his office, looking at all his pictures and certificates on the walls. He's got a ton of random certificates like an advanced cake decorating certificate, and a beginners floral design certificate. Those sound pretty cool, maybe Hunter can ask him about them and I can do some too. "Alright everything looks set, all you need to do is create an account and then you're on, it's pretty straightforward but we can set it up now if you want just in case. There's a calendar on the portal that'll keep all your due dates automatically, and you're always welcome to email the teachers if you get stuck on any work, or request one on one time with them if you need extra help. We've got you down for 4/6 of your classes to be online, sound good?" Mr. Adler says and asks me. I sigh quietly in relief, "four classes is great, and I can set it up at home, right Hunter." I say and he nods. Mr Adler smiles and asks "Do you have any questions?" I shake my head but then say "wait actually just one—can I still be a part of band?" I really hope so. "Of course you can, even though you've got classes online, you're welcome to do them here or at home, if there's any band events going on, you could just do the online work here in the library, or even in your brothers classroom. Plus I hear the band would fall apart without you, you're the only person who can feel when everyone is on or off beat together." He says and I blush. "See everything's working out, I really think you'll like this new program, I think it'll help you feel better too." Hunter says putting an arm around me. We say goodbye to Mr. Adler and Hunter says "I'm gonna sign you out for the rest of the day, Ms. Lily had texted me, she has an opening today if you're up for it, plus either way, I think you need to get some sleep too." I nod and we head to the car, calling Atlas before we leave. He says he's fine with Noah for the morning and that he'll call us later. Hunter starts the car and we head off to Ms.Lilys office.

When we get there, Ms. Lily brings me into her office, while Hunter waits outside. She kind of reminds me of Ms frizzle from the magic school bud, she's very.... Colourful. I like it though, it makes this place a lot less scary. "Reid it's been a little while huh? Your hairs getting longer and you just finished March break at school right?" She says breaking me out of my thoughts. I agree with her and we just sit together for a few minutes before I say anything. "Tomorrow's their anniversary, I don't think anyone else remembers." I say quietly, wrapping my arms around me, I wish I had a weighted blanket right now.

*im not going into more detail about his appointment, so time skip to when he's finished!*

Hunters POV:

Sitting in the waiting area, I wait for the door to open, and soon enough it does. Reid walks out and I can tell he's been crying, he walks right into my arms hugging me. I just hold him for a few minutes and kiss his head, before he turns and smiles softly at Lily, thanking her. "Reid can you go grab a snack from the vending machine while I have a quick word with Hunter?" She asks him and he nods, slowly peeling himself off me. "Thank you for seeing him on such short notice." I tell her as he leaves, and she shakes her head, saying that she'd always make time for him. "How is he doing with everything? I heard his perspective but what are you thinking?" She asks me and I sigh, knowing she'd ask me this as she always does. "He's.... Struggling. Especially in the last two weeks. He's trying not to show it but I can see it." I tell her. "It's a lot of changes at home right now, nothing bad about that, he's trying to adapt, but sometimes it takes him a little longer than it would for others." She tells me and I nod. "You know I can't tell you exactly what we spoke about, doctor patient confidentiality and all that, but I will tell you this, don't forget the date, tomorrow is important to him, and he might need some extra hugs and cuddles, be there for him, for all your brothers, but also take some time for yourself. You've got a whole town behind your back ready to help you out if you ever need it, remember that. He's going to talk to you about bedtime tonight, he's not sleeping well, and so we've discussed some things that both you and him can do to help. You're doing a great job with all of them Hunter, don't forget that. You know if you ever need an appointment for yourself or any of your brothers you just say the word and I'll be ready." She says as Reid comes back with a ketchup chips and a coffee crisp. "I couldn't decide." I laugh and say "come on you dork let's go, Nicks waiting for us for lunch. Thank you again Lily." "Bye Ms.Lily." Reid says as we leave.

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