"Je ne sais pas ce que tu veux que je te dises. Le signal est venue de son portable. Elle l'a fait." The other one replied. Of course, I did it why can they just believe I'm smart and move on? These are some sexist pieces of shit. (U don't know what you want me to tell you. Le signal came from her computer. She did it.)

"Trouve tout ce que tu le peux sur elle. Si tu touve quelle que chose dit le moi." while he said that the door handle jiggled. I could have just released myself from the ropes holding my hands. But I wanted to see how this played out. (find everything you can on her. If you find anything tell me.)

A man walked in. He was tall 6"1 maybe. He had a brown beard but his hair looked lighter almost a dirty blonde. I think he should dye it Brown to be completely honest. He looks around 34 maybe 38 something around that age. He kinda looked like me.  I mean if I was an old man of course. What he's my kidnapper I need to be mean to him in my head.

His eyes were cold and he looked like he was trying to intimidate me. I don't get intimidated. If I die, I die without being scared. If I died today I would have lived a life of misery but I accomplished so much that I would be ok with it.

"No way in hell you did this. You are a 16 year old girl," he stated. I just looked at him blankly trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Is he underestimating me on purpose to make me show him my skill? Or he is actually a narcissistic sexist asshole. Also, what's with the 16 things?

"For the record, I'm 15 born in 2008. I think." I whispered the last part not wanting him to hear it. "And what exactly do you claim I have done?" I question with a confident voice. Don't want him to think I'm scared.

"You 16 stop lying to me." I looked at him confused. "One of our companies was deleted somehow and whoever deleted it did it from your computer."

"Judging from my surroundings you're going to torture me for information. What mafia do I come from, what are their plans, and why they don't want you to have a mall created there? Is that correct?" He gave me a slight nod obviously unsure if he should answer at all.

"You're a part of a mafia, France most likely because of the accent," I say gesturing toward him. "Now I will answer your question, not because I'm intimidated but because I feel bad for you, uncle," I say truly just to get on his nerves. Also, I didn't want to answer questions. I said the last part to myself not wanting to reveal myself too early.

I wasn't completely sure about the uncle part but I'm pretty certain he is. He looks like my sperm Donner but a little younger maybe by 4-5 years?

"Why the fuck would you feel bad" he practically growled at me. It was working he was getting worked up. When people as angry its easier to take them down. By now my hands were free I was just having too much fun to reveal that fact.

"My father will probably kill you once they figure out you feeding information to the Russians." I wasn't 100% sure if I was right but I could hear a bit of Russian in his voice and he has a верность tatoo. (loyalty)

"My brother didn't deserve the entire fucking mafia. But there is one thing he loves more than his business specifically his precious Princess. Which happens to be you. I will kill you then I will send your head to your father showing him what the "Russians" have done" he told me. I have no clue why he told me all that but I could care less about my father. I just won't let him kill me.

"Couldn't care less about that son of a bitch. Just won't let you kill me." I responded and a sudden boult of adrenaline courses through me making me jump up and punch him in the face. I heard a crack and I knew his nose was broken.

He tried to hit me back disregarding his broken nose. He hit me right in my arm making my bruise burn. I quickly dogged him next blow punching him square in the jaw. Before he got a chance to retaliate I kicked him in the ribs successfully breaking one. By now he was lying on the floor unable to move because of the constant pain he was feeling.

"Pussy" I whisper in his ear. Just trying to get in his face.

Still having adrenaline in my veins I rushed out the door trying to find a way out. While in that room I saw a security camera but the one they had I specifically knew didn't have a sound system. That meant they didn't know who I was. All they know is I escaped and I'm good at fighting. Which simply means if they find me I'm dead.

I ran through the halls trying to find a way to get back to my house. I'm in some kind of never-ending hallway every turn I see a new camera. I was being watched for sure. Someone is going to be here soon. My lifespan is slowly running out. I need to find a way out.

1697 words

Hope you liked this chapter.

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If you have any suggestions I'm always open to them
I had taken a break for Christmas sorry!

Thanks for reading a new chapter will come out soon I'm just on a trip right now. Writing as much as I can!

Dominique <3

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