Voodoo doll: Josh x Mully

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Mully 's pov

" gosh there some many thing to organize in this closet " I said throwing a lot of thing away across the floor like old clothes, boxes, pictures of us, shoe, important paper, etc. I wish josh could help me but he too busy taking care of the groceries and I don't know what he is taking him so long...gosh, I look at the closet to see everything is completely out, I thought I look up and there some stuff. God damn it, i quickly grab all of the boxes from the top but as soon I'm about to place them to the ground, something fall and hit me on my head and went to the ground. Ow? What the fuck, I look down and see this doll, I drop the boxes and grab the doll from the ground. "What the fuck is this?" I said flipping the doll around. I noticed the hair that looks like... oh right. A year ago, Me and Juicy made a doll together and add some our hair to it to make it like is, so we can give our boyfriend a gift but moments later, we got so drunk after making this doll and we accidentally grab the wrong doll. So I still have Juicy's doll and I believe he have mine and I don't know to do with it, gosh...wait...i remember Eddie and Juicy haven't have sex for like 12 or something which I can't remember. So why not give it to Eddie so he can have some fun with his lover but I think I will regret it but don't care about. I took the doll with key to head out, I grab my key from the counter and walk out of the house and start heading to Eddie and Juicy's house, I texted my boyfriend to let him know I'm taking a walk around the house for a bit and put my phone in my pocket, rest in peace your ass Juicy.

20 minutes later...

Mully's pov ( still)

I made it at their house and start heading to the front door and knock on the door. Second later, Eddie open the door " hey Mully, I didn't know your planning to visit us? " Eddie ask " well I'm not here to visit you Eddie, I'm here to give this to you as a gift" I said handing him the doll, Eddie look at the doll confused about it " uh thank but why are you handing me this?" He said showing me the doll " can't tell you Eddie, sorry, well gotta go bye" I said turn around and sped off. Have fun fucking Juicy,Eddie with the doll I gave you.

15 minutes later
Meanwhile with Josh...

Josh's pov

I came back home from the grocery, park my car in front of the house and step out of my car to bring groceries to the house. I noticed someone is running across from me, I shrugged it and grab some groceries and walk to to the door, I look again to see who is really was and it was Mully " hey, why are you run—SHUT UP AND LET ME GO INSIDE!!" he interrupt me and push me to go inside " can you help me with the grocer—FUCK GROCERIES!!!" He yell, what the fuck just happened, did I miss something? I shrugged it off and continued putting the groceries away from my car, Typically Mully.

Mully's pov

I quickly ran up to the bedroom and shut the door, I laughed to myself " NO FUCKING WAY, I JUST DID!" I said continue laughing about the doll that I gave to Eddie " bro, Juicy is so fuck" I said walking around the room while putting my hand on my mouth, I hear the door open " Mully babe, are you alright?" Josh said crossing his arms, I slowly calm myself " yeah I'm fine, I just prank someone while I was taking a walk" I said as a lie, Josh came toward me which I got worried " what did I told you about pranking the neighbor?" Josh said with a serious face " I'm sorry but it too funny " I said but I didn't want to him about the doll that I gave to Eddie which  made me laugh, josh pull my hair and pull down toward him, I forgot that josh is shorter than me but josh is a good top person" do that again and I will punish you for it" Josh said placing his hand on my bottom and slowly squeezing it, I slowly moan " okay, okay I won't do it again I promise" I said he smile for a bit and kiss me "now clean up that closet while I'm going to make lunch okay" he said let go of my hair and walk away " okay after this I'm going to take a shower!" I yelled and continued cleaning that stupid closet.

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