Yandere narrator x Eddie part 2

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Josh's pov

" any luck for Gaege " I said looking for him since school is already over " no I don't see him how about you Kevin " Mully said looking around but no luck since there a lot of student so it hard to see" no dude I do-wait I THINK I SEE HIM " Kevin said pointing, we look what he pointing at but I noticed Gaege is running towards us " woah woah woah dude, why are you running? I said Gaege came to us with his eyes wide, need to breathe and cover with sweat " GRANT- he he he is-" Gaege try to speak but couldn't " Gaege just clam down because we don't understand what are you about to say " Kevin said handing his water bottle to him Gaege quickly grab and start drinking it " how about in the car so that way Gaege need to breathe well " Mully said we all nodded our head and went to my car while Gaege is slowly catching his breathe " alright Gaege are you good right now " Kevin said as everyone entering my car, as I about to start the car " Gaege now since you left calm now tell us what happen and why did you run" I said " well during lunch I noticed Eddie, Gabby and Grant leave at the same time so I decided to follow them leaving you guys because I have a bad feeling about Grant, but I noticed the teacher want us to put o e of the speaker in the basement so I decided to help them and I have to act normal so I don't want Grant to be suspect about me, Eddie have to go to the bathroom so he leave the room leaving me, Grant and Gabby, I quickly put the speaker and hide one of the box to see what was going on with Grant then Gabby question to about the relationship between Eddie and her then she ask about the pic that he take during class but Grant tell the truth about it make her mad and try to tell Eddie about it, Grant grab her and kill her I saw it with my own eyes " Gaege said " our eyes is wide and our mouth is drop to the ground " wait so did Eddie saw it? " Mully said " yes he did but when he try to run to tell the teacher, Grant grab him and knock him out, he carried him and run out the back door and I knew that Grant is a yandere " Gaege said. We were all shocked about it " I think Gaege is right maybe something is going on with Grant right now " I said start driving " do we think we can call him to see where is he? " Kevin said " I think you should call him? " I said.

Third's pov

As Kevin reach his phone to call Grant " hello " Grant said on the phone " hey Grant, so I was wondering why did you left the cafeteria? " Kevin ask " oh really I was hanging out with Eddie and Gabby for a while " Grant said Kevin look at the gangs " but where are you right now? " Mully said " I'm at home right now since Gabby and Eddie need some alone time " Grant said " how come because we didn't see Gabby and Eddie left the school? " Kevin said there were moments of silence for a moment " hello Grant are you still in the call " Gaege said " oh my apologies guys, my cats make some noise so I need to keep her quiet " Grant said i quickly mute my mic " dude I think he have Eddie with him " Josh said " I fucking told you " Gaege said freaking out, Kevin tell everyone to be quiet and unmute his mic " oh, I understand Grant, like I was said we didn't see Gabby and Eddie left the school " Kevin said " they want to ditch for one day " Grant said " oh okay, well I have to go right now since me and the gangs I have to catch up " Kevin said " alright then Kevin, then I will see you tomorrow " Grant said " right tomorrow, so bye " Kevin said hang up then phone " guys, we need a plan fast " Kevin said the gangs nodded their head" Kevin, we need to take our time since Grant is going to be around the school or at home we need to distract him first " Josh said " agree, but how are we going to distract him? " Mully said Gaege snapped his finger " how about one person can go to his house you know doing some group projects or homework so they can search the house to look for him " Geage said " that a great idea but it not going to be easy since we don't know if we have upcoming project so we going have to wait " Josh said " but Josh do you think Eddie is going to be in pain by Grant " Gaege said " I know and we all worried about him but like I said it going to take a while so who going to distract Grant " Josh said " Gaege " Mully and Kevin said together " WAIT...WHY ME?!!" Geage shouted because your the first person who can keep a eyes on and not that your the youngest person " Kevin said " fuck you kevin just because I'm the youngest person doesn't mean I'm going to do it and not even only there no way I'm going to keep a eyes one because I have a bad feeling he going to do the same thing as Eddie " Gaege said " I know Gaege but please you know I give you permission to hit Kevin and us as well " Josh said " really Josh...ugh but come on Gaege since you are in front with Grant because none of us are not close as Grant so that mean I want you to keep an eyes in him and don't worry we will have your back " Kevin said " fine, but you can count on me " Gaege said we all nodded our head " gosh I hope Eddie is okay " Everyone said in their mind.

Narrator's pov

" you're lucky I have to make an excuse for my friend since you don't know how to shut your mouth " I said looking at my lover who is tied up to a chair with my arm cross" mmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm " Eddie mumbling while moving around " hehe~ you know no one can hear you scene I put tape on you right? I said coming close to him his eyes keep looking at me " damn~look you cute with my clothes " I said bending down to him I slowly rub his face making him moving his head around " oh and one more thing " I said pulling down his hair bun to release his hair " mmmmm mmmm " Eddie mumble " that better~Hehehe~ why am the lucky man to have you instead of her " I said " he starting crying " now there no need to cry I'm just doing her a flavor " I said kissing him on his lip with the tape still on " I love you Eddie " I said rubbing his hair " MMMMMMMMM " Eddie mumbling louder moving his head around " now get some sleep my love " I said getting a small towel with some liquid and put on Eddie's face to make asleep, he was mumbling so loud screaming but he slowly passed out " good night my love " I said kissing him on the forehead, I walk out and lock the door. I head to take a shower before heading to bed for tomorrow but I hope I'm one of my friend hear him mumbling for help.

Gaege's pov
We're coming for you Eddie...


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