Yandere Narrator x Eddie: part 1

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Narrator's pov

I slowly get up ready for school to see my beautiful Mexican boy, I can't stop thinking about him ~ he's mine ~ mine forever. After I got changed I head downstairs to grab my bookbag because I'm not in a mood for breakfast besides drinking some milk, wait a minute there something is missing, I look around and slime once I grab my knife for anyone who try to talk with him, touch him, or even make love with him I will kill anyone who took Eddie from me because I'm a yandere and some of my friends didn't know about it including Eddie, I'm been hiding from it every since Eddie came to my school as a new student. Oh, I forgot to mention once I kill them, I either burn the body or leave the body in the school basement luckily I did not get caught by the police. Once I grab my belongings , I grab the key to my car and heading to my car but I have to make sure my door is complete lock so those damn people don't break in, after I lock my door and head to my car to turn on the engine and wait patiently to warm up, I noticed my phone start ringing I pick it up to see Josh is texting me then I text him back

~ text screen ~
J - Josh
G - Grant

J - dude, where are you?

G- I'm barely getting inside I'm in my car

J- really dude ugh anyway, me and the gang is going to meet you at the locker

G-alright dude, hey Josh, is Eddie is inside the school?

J-no, we haven't seen him, why???

G-oh well I'm just want to talk to him for a while.

J- ??????

G-anyways I'm be heading to school right now

J- alright dude, drive safe

~Josh left the chat~

G- I will

~Grant left the chat ~

~ end of text messages ~

( still narrator's pov )

After finishing texting him, I put my phone in charge and start driving to school and put some juice wrld song.

10 minutes later...

Once I made at the school, I park at the side street as I get ready I quickly look at the mirror to make sure I have to look handsome for Eddie, ~you are one sexy man~now go get your man~, I grab my thing and step out of the car. I freeze at the moment when I see Eddie is entering the building I smile so evilly and pick up some flower and head to the school. Once I enter the school I see Eddie is getting his thing from his locker so I quickly I walk to him " hey Eddie " I said smiling at him, he smile back " oh , hey Grant " Eddie said " here Eddie this is for you " I said giving him the flowers with a smile " uhhh... thank dawg I appreciate it " he said looking at the flower I give him a small kiss on his cheek and walk away smiling.

Eddie's pov

I froze for a moment after he walk away, did he just kiss me? I slowly touch my cheek and begin blushing, I look at the flower that Grant give me " hi Eddie " someone said I jump a bit to see Gabby " oh, hi Gabby " I said " is everything alright ? " Gabby said " don't worry everything is okay " i said closing my lockers " and what with the flowers that your holding ? " she said looking at the flower, I totally forgot about the flower I still holding " let just say Grant which is my friend give me these flower but actually these are for you go my beautiful girlfriend " I said handing her the flower " aw thank you Eddie " she said kissing me I smile " I'm glad you like it , do you want to walk around the school before class start " I said she nodded her head as we both hold hand and start walking.

Josh's pov

As me, Mully, Gaege and Kevin are waiting for Grant to meet up the locker outside of our classroom , we noticed he is smiling " something is in your mind? " Kevin said " let me guess, you saw Eddie " I said crossing my arm he smile even more " bingo, yes I did and not only I give him some flower " Grant said we were all shocked about it but it hard to tell him the truth about Eddie " that nice of you but we don't know what we tell you but Eddie have a...girlfriend " Geage said his face was pale after hearing it. " wait...what what do you mean Eddie have a girlfriend? " he said " well, Eddie text me about it since yesterday " I said " hey guys, I see Eddie so acts normal " Kevin said. We look at Eddie and Gabby are chatting while holding their hand, Eddie wave at us and we did the same thing but I noticed Grant is acting strange because he is starting so weird " Grant are you okay? " I ask he shake his head " oh don't worry Josh I'm okay " he said " you sure because it seem you giving them the death stare " Mully said " WHAT... me oh no is not that is because of the flower that I give him " Grant said we looked at each other for a moment. The bell started ringing and we all went to class, I tap Gaege's shoulder he walk up to me then I whisper to him " hey Gaege, can you spy on Grant because something strange about him " I said whispering on his ear " okay Josh " he whispered back once we all take a seat including Eddie and his girlfriend after walking away the school, the teacher came in and we start the lesson.

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